hi there,

here is a quick and dirty port of opera-next

it installs into /usr/local/opera-next
and uses $HOME/.opera-next as personal dir,
so it can be easily tested parallel to existing installations.

functionality is no more than a beam of hope at the moment.
if it does not freeze up after some initial dns requests,
a well known issue with veteran opera users, (i simply
kill -9 and try again) it seems to be working until it
crashes with

$ /usr/local/opera-next/bin/opera-next 
opera: no fonts found among preferred font formats, trying pcf fonts
opera: no fonts found among known formats, trying to add all fonts
/usr/local/opera-next/lib/opera-next/opera-next: symbol lookup error: 
/usr/local/opera-next/lib/opera-next/opera-next: undefined symbol: 

this point inevitably always comes, probably when a page requests
the given rendering type that in my guess, the fedora lib's
libfreetype does not understand.

btw. 11.51 crashes with the same error, so i think if this
issue can be solved, 11.51 could become an official port perhaps.

there's no second chance for a good first impression.

Attachment: opera-next.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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