On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 12:55:13PM -0400, Lawrence Teo wrote:
> $ cat pkg/DESCR 
> Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. This is a stripped down,
> basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those
> who like simplicity.
> Features
> * Keeps a clipboard history.
> * Various view options to display items the way you like it.
> * Daemon mode; guard your clipboard contents when you close applications.
> * Global hotkeys to display your items quickly.
> * Perform custom commands using clipboard contents.
> ====
> Some things that are nice about Parcellite include daemon mode
> (parcellite -d -n &) where you can access the clipboard history at any
> time with Ctrl+Alt+H, which is useful for tiling window managers
> without panels.  It can also sync your clipboards.
> Tested on i386. More testing on other platforms and window managers
> would be appreciated. :)

Aaron Bieber and Jonathan Armani reported that the parcellite.1 manpage
was broken... oops! Here's a corrected port to fix the manpage with a

Aaron confirmed that the port works on amd64 (with the awesome window
manager), while Jonathan tested on i386 with scrotwm. Thank you both
for testing!

More tests welcome... :)

Thank you,

Attachment: parcellite.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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