On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, David Cantrell wrote:

> I'm working on a local port where the source archive is not available via
> anything other than svn.  I'm trying to use pre-fetch to see if a checkout of
> the release I want already exists in /usr/ports/distfiles and if not, check it
> out.  I'm trying something like this:

Why don't you create a tarball of the checkout and host it?

> V = 1.2.3     # program version
> R = 4321      # svn ID
> DISTNAME = something-${V}-svn${R}
> pre-fetch:
> .if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz)
>       rm -rf ${WRKDIR}/svn
>       mkdir -p ${WRKDIR}/svn
>       ( cd ${WRKDIR}/svn ; ${FILESDIR}/checkout.sh ${V} ${R} )
>       cp ${WRKDIR}/svn/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz ${DISTDIR}
> .endif
> The block inside the .if/.endif works fine.  'checkout.sh' is something I
> wrote to handle checking out the source for the specified version and svn ID.
> The problem I'm hitting is that !exists() is not working as I think it should.
> exists() ignores ${DISTDIR} entirely.  It works fine if I do:
> .if !exists(/usr/ports/distfiles/${DISTNAME}.tar.gz)
> If I turn on debugging on make(1), I see that exists() searches the current
> directory, /usr/share/mk, and /etc for ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz.
> The man page lacks an example usage and nothing I see in
> /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk looks to be doing anything different from what
> I'm trying to do.  There are absolute path checks in there too.
> Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


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