On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 06:13:50PM +0100, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> The only solution I see if we do not want to get stuck because
> of old unmaintained stuffs is to copy print/poppler to print/poppler016
> (or whatever name), rename/fix the conflicts and adapt these 3
> ports to use poppler016, then update print/poppler to version
> 0.18.

Or try to port poppler-0.16 qt3 support to poppler-0.18 (yes,
maintainance hell).

> I can bet some ports will soon require poppler >= 0.18 soon, so
> better be proactive about it.

For now I'll test a poppler-0.18 update with all but the three
kde-related ports. There may be more breakage....


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