
However, I don't think that the SHARED_LIBS should be added to SUBST_VARS, since how should it decide which version number to take? I.e. libmemcached, hashkit, and libmemcachedutil are all three 1.0. How should it know where to take which of those substitutions. In the PFRAG.shared file it knows, since there the
library name is specified.

Well, SUBST_CMD never really "decides". As far as I know, it uses whatever was previously in the PLIST (if it still matches) or the first match from the SUBST_VARS, so it would need a little help for the first time.

But it was only a suggestion, it's not "wrong" per-se, so I won't argue about that.

so OK?

Not that I can give you "commit" one, but OK ;)

Best regards,
Piotr Sikora < piotr.sik...@frickle.com >

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