On 2012-01-13, Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:
>>> mandoc will warn you about manpage problems if you build with
>>> 'make WARNINGS=yes' (or add WARNINGS=yes to mk.conf). I would suggest
>>> that porters set this, it gives a good early indication when manpages
>>> need further investigation.
> Sure; however, most problems shown by 'WARNINGS=yes', which actually
> runs 'mandoc -Tlint', should be fixed upstream, and only a small
> fraction needs porter action.

Absolutely, the porter is encouraged to use their brain when dealing
with warning output ;) I don't mean suggesting this as "the output has
to be clean", just that it's a good indicator that the produced manpages
need checking over, and suggesting some areas to particularly look at.

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