On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 09:32:29AM +0100, Donovan Watteau wrote:
> Ah, sorry, found this:
> http://www.sourceware.org/ml/gdb/2011-09/msg00135.html
> http://www.sourceware.org/ml/gdb/2011-09/msg00136.html
> So it's OK to continue distributing gdb-6.3 and gdb-7.2; there's no
> legal "obligation" to upgrade to gdb-6.3a and gdb-7.2a (though the
> original tarballs got removed from the mirrors). There's still the
> issue of "make fetch" but I guess the patch can wait for 5.1-STABLE.
Not really, since they're available from mirrors now that all mirrors use
dpb -F...

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