> now the bad news.  adb does not work.
> i have asked about it some time ago on ports@
> as having a native adb just by itself would be
> great to push apk's, shell, root, etc.
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=131809077812364&w=2
> some responses indicated it's already work in progress.

here's some initial work that compiles (with a few hacks) with the
libusb1 package:


it can iterate over the usb devices, but won't talk to them beyond
that for some reason.  might have to do with the server-client stuff
rather than the usb stuff, but it's a start.
    jcs@mario:~/adb2> env ADB_TRACE=all ./adb fork-server server
    usb_init(): started
    scan_usb_devices(): started
    check_device(): Probing usb device 1410:a014
    check_device(): Ignored due unknown vendor id
    check_device(): Probing usb device 0cf3:3000
    check_device(): Ignored due unknown vendor id
    check_device(): Probing usb device 18d1:4e22
    check_device(): Device bus: 0, address: 5
    check_usb_interface(): Device: 18d1:4e22 iclass: 8, isclass: 6, iproto: 50 
ep: 88/a-> not matches
    check_usb_interface(): Forced Android interface protocol v.1
    check_usb_interface(): Forced Android interface protocol v.1
    check_usb_interface(): Device: 18d1:4e22 iclass: ff, isclass: 42, iproto: 1 
ep: 8b/d-> matches
    check_usb_interfaces(): Interface 1 of 18d1:4e22 matches Android device
    check_device(): Device matches Android interface
    register_device(): Registering 0x7f7ffffdae60 [3631405323CD00EC] as USB 
    transport: 0x20c5c8c00 init'ing for usb_handle 0x20c5c8700 
    transport: usb
    transport: 0x20c5c8c00 registered
    device_poll_thread(): Created USB scan thread
    usb_init(): finished
    transport: local client init

on my laptop, i had to 'cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV ugen2' for libusb to find
the phone.  dmesg snippet of attached phone:

umass1 at uhub0 port 6 configuration 1 interface 0 "Samsung Nexus S" rev 
2.00/2.27 addr 5
umass1: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
scsibus4 at umass1: 2 targets, initiator 0
sd3 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 0: <Android, UMS Composite, 0001> SCSI2 0/direct 
removable serial.18d14e22405323CD00EC
ugen2 at uhub0 port 6 configuration 1 "Samsung Nexus S" rev 2.00/2.27 addr 5

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