On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 18:56:37 +0100, Landry Breuil <lan...@rhaalovely.net>
it's been requested a few times, here's an xfce meta port to untar under
ports/meta, splitted into -main and -extras as it's done with gnome meta
port. Comments on what's shipped/separation between main and extras
welcome, feedback welcome too.
Thanks a lot for the meta port.
# make fetch
The licensing info for is incomplete. (in meta/xfce)
Please notify the OpenBSD port maintainer: (in meta/xfce)
Landry Breuil <lan...@openbsd.org> (in meta/xfce)
Fatal: CATEGORIES is mandatory. (in meta/xfce)
*** Error code 1
# pwd
Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info