On Sun, 04 Mar 2012, Bryan Linton wrote:

> On 2012-03-04 16:27:50, Bryan Linton <b...@shoshoni.info> wrote:
> >
> > Also, I noticed that the problem I had with the double spawning 
> > of xterms when I press ctrl+u is fixed as well.
> > 
> I spoke too soon.  WindowMaker ran fine for about a day, then all
> of a sudden ctrl+u started spawning two xterms.  I can't think of
> anything I did which may have caused this.  It seemed like it
> happened out of the blue.
> Restarting WindowMaker via its own restart option (i.e. not
> quitting Xorg nor quitting WindowMaker) fixed the double spawning.

I'm just guessing, but... Can you try to reproduce this problem with
a fresh configuration directory?


$ mv ~/GNUstep ~/GNUstep.orig && wmaker.inst


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