indeed, will test shortly !


Ryan Freeman <> wrote:

>On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 12:03:27PM +0100, Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> I've ported the ardour digital audio workstation (
>> to OpenBSD some time ago. The port includes some new glue code for
>> sndio midi which I tested with a Mackie-style controller.
>> It builds and runs, with audio/jack as audio backend. But there are
>> some stability problems. Sometimes sound isn't audible unless latency
>> is tweaked in the JACK->Latency menu. What's worse is that it freezes
>> up during playback occasionally. ratchov says these problems might be
>> related to jack's sndio backend.
>> I'd like to import this anyway so that remaining issues can be fixed in-tree.
>> Patches in the ardour port have been shown to upstream.
>> There won't be another ardour2 release so they won't take the patches.
>> Upstream work is focused on ardour3.
>> The ardour port and ports for two new required dependencies are attached
>> and also at
>this is very exciting, testing now!

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