Did you have to crank up any sysctl values?

As it did not segfault for you, it might be that my computer running
i386 is broken. It is an old laptop that has been into the floor and
having the screen broken.

I have been testing it now on a couple of amd64 computers and it has
been working on each one.

On 03/20/12 12:21, Manuel Giraud wrote:
 Lars Engblom<lars.engb...@kimitotelefon.fi>   writes:


 Here comes a port of Racket for testing.

 I have been testing it on a clean install of -current on amd64 and it
 is working.

 I have not got it to build on i386 (I get segfault). The question is,
 is it possible to crank up some sysctl values for i386 build to
 succeed or will this be an amd64-only port? This is why i have those
 comments still left in the Makefile.
 I was able to compile on this:
 OpenBSD 5.1-current (GENERIC.MP) #202: Thu Mar 15 18:33:09 MDT 2012

 I have run drracket and test some examples (including a "web server" and
 graphical one) from their website. Thanks for this port.

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