I do not agree that it is useless as it gives the information that something is wrong. Without a report, the problem might even slip into a release. When I noticed the problem, I was in real hurry and a friend wanted to quickly send me a file through IM. I wrote the report one day later on another computer, not remembering what dependency was missing.

What I did was:
1. pkg_add -i pidgin    (picking the gtkspell flavor)
2. running it, noticing it halting because of missing dependencies
3. pkg_add -i amsn
4. pidgin suddenly working after adding amsn

At this moment I have no time to set up a chroot and test out what was missing. If I would have had the time, I would have been doing it already. And no, I have not done anything to break anything, and this was with ready compiled packages in snapshot.

On 05/25/12 06:21, Ryan Freeman wrote:
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 07:42:13AM +0300, Lars Engblom wrote:
I tried installing pidgin-2.10.4-gtkspell from snapshots and it
could not run because of missing dependencies. Installing amsn,
gives all the dependencies missing... some examination of what is
actually needed is needed.
This is a useless post.  You did not state what dependencies are
supposedly missing, and as i have that very package installed/running,
as well as others, this will likely be dismissed as a user-issue.

You could at least try to help yourself by providing what dependencies
were reported as missing.

Based on what you have provided (nothing), you have probably done
something to your system that broke ports.


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