On 2012/09/20 23:08, Landry Breuil wrote:
> Hi,
> focuswriter is a simple fullscreen text editor written with qt4. It aims
> as distracting the writer as less as possible, hiding everything by
> default on the sides of the screen.
> See http://gottcode.org/focuswriter/ for more details.
> ok to import ?
> Landry

DISTNAME =      focuswriter-1.3.90-src
PKGNAME =       ${DISTNAME:S/-src//}
EXTRACT_SUFX =  .tar.bz2
WRKDIST =       ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME:S/-src//}

this is more elegant,

DISTNAME =      focuswriter-1.3.90
EXTRACT_SUFX =  -src.tar.bz2

otherwise OK.

(not relevant to the port, but spellcheck-as-you-type on by default,
and they call this non-distracting? ;-)

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