On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 12:33 PM, MERIGHI Marcus <mcmer-open...@tor.at> wrote:
> dco...@gmail.com (David Coppa), 2012.10.23 (Tue) 11:56 (CEST):
>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 11:52 AM, MERIGHI Marcus <mcmer-open...@tor.at> 
>> wrote:
>> > is there a known problem that I missed with java x windows gui apps?
>> >
>> > symptoms: java apps produce their windows but these are just blank.
>> >
>> > tried: geo/josm, productivity/projectlibre, databases/jxplorer.
>> > (found by ``sqlite3 /usr/local/share/sqlports 'select * from Depends
>> > where fulldepends="jdk->=1.6.0:devel/jdk/1.6";' '')
>> >
>> > wanted: cluestick or help on debugging.
>> >
>> > dmesg, pkg_info output  and Xorg.0.log below
>> >
>> > packages were updated after installing snapshot yesterday.
>> >
>> > Thanks, Marcus
>> What's your window manager?
> cwm(1) - just tried with fvwm(1) and the symptoms were gone.
> I switched from scrotwm/spectrwm to cwm just a couple of months ago. I
> am not sure I tried josm within cwm before. Therefore I cannot tell
> whether this is a new problem.
> My cwmrc(5) contains just a few bindings:
> bind CS-w "xombrero"
> bind CS-l "xterm -e 'less +F /var/log/full'"
> bind 4-w  "xombrero"
> Thanks for the quick answer, the window manager hint and thus the
> workaround.
> Bye, Marcus

Install wmname-0.1 and add:

/usr/local/bin/wmname LG3D

into your .xinitrc before cwm.

Let me know if this works for you.


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