(If you think you are missing some context, that's because you are.
I'm responding to some talk that happened elsewhere.  Don't worry.)

(1) xmms
We are not going to remove the xmms port anytime soon.  It works
just fine.  It still does what it always has done, and by modern
standards it is lightweight and very usable on old, slow machines,
even if you build it from source.

(2) bmp
I don't care one iota about bmp.  The fact that it can only output
sound by way of esd suggests that it is dead.  Presumably xmms's
sndio backend could be adapted for bmp, but I won't lift a pinky
for that.  If people want to remove bmp, I won't stand in the way.

(3) "Why don't you just use audacious?"
I've finally given audacious a try and, yes, it does what xmms does.
(It can even play AAC streams, the one thing I vaguely miss in xmms.)
It also has vastly move expensive dependencies.  I don't know how
well it runs on a slow machine, but you certainly don't want to
have to build gtk+3 there.

And yes, for those of us who follow -current, building ports is a
valid concern.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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