On 2012/12/09 08:37, John Long wrote:
> I did a pkg_add for Libreoffice on 5.2 stable and when I run libreoffice I
> get errors about a size mismatch in libstdc++ and the screen is not painted
> properly. I tried to build the port but I don't have enough space allocated.

The size mismatch errors are because there is a mixture of libraries using
C++ which are compiled with GCC 4.2.1 from base, and the main program which
is compiled with GCC 4.6.3 from ports. This is not really a great situation
but to fix it basically means everything c++ (ports/X) would need to be
compiled with ports GCC.

> Is libreoffice known to be broken on AMD64 5.2-stable?

I don't have anything running 5.2 at present (everything's -current here) but
in practice libreoffice (and chrome which has the same problem) does usually
run OK so I *think* the screen not being painted properly is probably not
related to the conflicting symbols which trigger the "size mismatch".

> How much space should I allocate to /usr/ports to be able to build anything
> in the tree at this point? Looking at the man page for ports and bsd.port.mk
> I am not sure whether moving the work directory elsewhere (I have plenty of
> space in var) would work or whether everything needs to be in one tree. 

You can happily use a work directory outside of /usr/ports; set WRKOBJDIR
in /etc/mk.conf. I do this on pretty much every machine I build ports on
(the default auto-partitioning layout is geared towards people using
packages rather than building from ports).

However: I don't think a self-built libreoffice is likely to work
any better, and building it is rather painful.

Probably better to look around and see what more information you can find
about what's happening. Describing the screen painting problem might be
useful (i.e. what you do, what you see). And there are other things you
can try - is it tied to a specific window manager, for example?

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