8.3 - Can I use programming language "L" on OpenBSD?

The info on java is outdated. For 5.2 release direct the users
to devel/jdk/1.7 and the www/icedtea-web packages. Eclipse
(while outdated) and Netbeans are notable IDEs. The rest of
the list is not necessary.

The whole section on now to build the jdks is also outdated.
Let us Keep It Simple St____ and eliminate it. Keep the
message consistant - use the packages.


Index: faq/faq8.html
RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/faq8.html,v
retrieving revision 1.239
diff -u -p -u -r1.239 faq8.html
--- faq/faq8.html       1 Nov 2012 15:05:30 -0000       1.239
+++ faq/faq8.html       27 Jan 2013 21:05:46 -0000
@@ -343,42 +343,32 @@ This new compiler is available as a subp
 <tr valign="top">
-<td rowspan="5">Java</td>
+<td rowspan="4">Java</td>
-<td>Sun JDK - only 1.7 as a package; for older version see build instructions 
+<td>Sun JDK - only 1.7 as a package; 1.6 is not recommended due lack of 
updates and restrictive license.</td>
 <tr valign="top">
-<td>essential core class libraries for Java</td>
+<td>Browser plugin and web start for jdk/1.7 only</td>
 <tr valign="top">
-<tr valign="top">
-Fast compiler, works well.
-This needs a "run-time jar", the bytecode version of all the standard API.
+<td>Large IDE; works with Sun JDK</td>
 <tr valign="top">
-<td>Large IDE; works with Sun JDK</td>
+<td>Another IDE; works with Sun JDK</td>
 <tr valign="top">
@@ -502,60 +492,6 @@ Plenty of subpackages are available for 
-<h3>Building the Sun JDK</h3>
-Due to Sun's restrictive SCSL license, OpenBSD cannot ship binary packages
-for the JDK &lt; 1.7. Starting from 1.7 OpenBSD has a fully GPLv2 licensed
-port, that can be installed as a package. Users looking for the browser
-plugin will still need to build 1.5 or 1.6 from ports until Sun releases
-the plugin code. Note that you will need plenty of RAM for this build to 
-The JDK ports are in the <tt>devel/jdk</tt> subdirectory of the ports tree.
-You can choose among different versions, each in their own subdirectory.
-When you just type <tt>make</tt>, you will see a message asking you to
-to fetch the source files manually from Sun's website.
-Before you can do that, you need to register on that website, and agree
-with the license.
-That's why the ports framework cannot start the download automatically.
-Once you have downloaded the necessary distribution files and patch sets,
-copy them to the <tt>/usr/ports/distfiles</tt> directory.
-You will also need to have X installed on your system.
-Start the build by issuing <tt>make</tt> in the port's subdirectory.
-The JDK requires a working Java 2 compiler as a bootstrap to build.
-For this purpose, since OpenBSD 4.0, the port of JDK 1.5 uses kaffe,
-which allows JDK 1.5 to be used on both i386 and amd64 platforms,
-and reduces the build time considerably.
-Older versions of the JDK still require a Linux version of the JDK.
-Linux emulation on OpenBSD is restricted to i386 systems, and so these
-older JDK versions will build only on i386.
-The ports framework should take care of installing the necessary files
-and setting <tt>kern.emul.linux=1</tt>.
-For more information, please read about Linux emulation in the
-manual page, and also
-<a href="faq9.html#Interact">FAQ 9 - Running Linux binaries on OpenBSD</a>.
-Note that this Linux emulation is only required during the build of the
-JDK, which results in a native OpenBSD JDK.
-<b>You do not need Linux emulation to work with the native JDK.</b>
-After many hours, the build will finish.
-Just continue with <tt>make install</tt> to install the JDK.
-If you run into errors such as
-"Could not reserve enough space for object heap",
-try increasing your processes' memory limits using
-the shell's built-in <tt>ulimit</tt> command, with the <tt>-d</tt> flag.
 <h3>Other development tools</h3>

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