On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 07:23, Robert Nagy wrote:
> It seems to be a different issue which is not related to chromium itself.
> It is being investigated. I assume you have been trying on i386?

I suspect you don't need this, but to fill out a few details in case anybody
else is seeing crashes, they can confirm this is the same problem.

I see this on i386 with chromium-26.0.1410.43-proprietary.

Opening a new tab displays the sad tab and this on console:
[6692:-2104363520:0411/005739:ERROR:user_style_sheet_watcher.cc(174)] Failed to 
setup watch for /home/tedu/.config/chromium/Default/User StyleSheets/Custom.css

Visiting www.openbsd.org works as expected.

Visiting www.apple.com displays the sad tab and this (repeating):
[5303:600661216:0411/005904:ERROR:omnibox_view_gtk.cc(431)] Not implemented 
reached in virtual void OmniboxViewGtk::ApplyCaretVisibility()

Runing as env G_SLICE=always-malloc chrome helps a little, but not really.
It's still pretty useless.

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