2013/4/30 Gonzalo L. R. <gonz...@x61.com.ar>:
> Hi,
> Update for Jenkins to the last version 1.513, with several bugfixes:
> http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog
> Seems work fine on i386, but a good test on a proper environment would
> be nice.
> Comments? Ok?

Not to comment on your or Ian's effort, but jenkins has one or two
releases every week, not sure if you can and want to keep up with this

I think it makes sense to just have a port of the Stable / Long Term
Support Release (which is 1.480.3 atm) and has a cycle of one to two
months and has security fixes applied when needed.
Having the experience of running the weekly release on a test site for
about two years I would not run the weekly for any production site.


This message is just a reflection of what I thought at the time of
sending. The message may contain information that is not intended for
you or that you don't understand.

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