On 01/05/2013 22:36, Craig Skinner wrote:

When I remove the @rcscript stuff from the PLIST & run this:

make clean=all && \
make clean=fake && \
make fetch-all && \
make checksum && \
make build && \
make fake && \
make plist || { sudo make plist; sudo chmod g+w pkg/PLIST; }

I get:
Installing /usr/ports/mystuff/net/vgrd/pkg/vgrd.rc as
===> Updating plist for vgrd-1.13
Subpackage -: Stripping dirs from sysutils/libsysexits
Scanning destdir
Getting old lists
1st pass identifying files
Attaching annotations
Sorting out destdir files
make-plist: Bogus element outside of every prefix: /etc/rc.d/vgrd

So 'make plist' fails when the rc script is present in the fake tree,
while not mentioned in the PLIST.

Any thoughts on how to get around the bogus element problem?

Is it essential that I run 'make plist' before 'make package', or can I use my handwritten PLIST?

I see there is a plist database under /usr/ports/plist & those have extra @depend, @name & @comment lines not present in generated pkg/PLISTs.

I've successfully built 29 other packages without rc scripts.

What direction should I proceed in?


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