Hi ports@.

If users in your company are obliged to dialout to legacy modem serial
services but office have all-in-IP infrastructure, sredir maybe your life/time

Many years ago sredir allowed me to build RFC2217-compliant dialout
server on top of commodity hardware (Moxa serial card and 1U server)
instead of buying Cisco or having additional maintenance pain by wiring
analog lines and setting up modems on workstations.

RFC2217 makes client side think its talking to real modem with all this
CD, RTS/CTS, etc signalling. On Windows, COM-port redirector (like
Tactical Software DialOut/EZ) is needed.

I think modems are still in use somewhere, but I'm not using sredird for
a long time and want to stop maintaining it.

sredir is simple C-program, not actively developed, recent cvs activity
shows mechanical changes, so there is a little maintaining overhead.


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