On 2013 Jun 18 (Tue) at 17:40:06 +0200 (+0200), Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
:this has been rotting in openbsd-wip for quite some time now. But since
:some people seem to be actually using it I updated it and propose it
:for inclusion in the official ports tree.
:I adopted this project from Vladimir Litovka who has abandoned it and
:improved it security wise.
:Because I don't plan to add new features, only to fix bugs I have no
:real scheme for releases and versioning numbers, so I figured it would
:probably be best to version it by date. Is this sensible? OK for commit?

Please use "PKGNAME = minimalist-0.0.${DATE}" so if they ever do real
releases, we don't need EPOCH.

:Index: Makefile
:RCS file: Makefile
:diff -N Makefile
:--- /dev/null  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
:+++ Makefile   18 Jun 2013 15:32:15 -0000
:@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
:+# $OpenBSD: Makefile.template,v 1.61 2012/03/29 13:41:58 sthen Exp $
:+COMMENT =     minimalist mailing list manager written in perl
:+CATEGORIES =  mail
:+DATE =                20130413
:+HASH =                e34248cacab44346175f999b20aa5ac1b81e56da
:+DISTNAME =    minimalist-${DATE}
:+MASTER_SITES =        https://github.com/madroach/minimalist/archive/
:+WRKDIST =     ${WRKDIR}/minimalist-${HASH}
:+HOMEPAGE =    https://github.com/madroach/minimalist
:+MAINTAINER =  Christopher Zimmermann <madro...@gmerlin.de>
:+# 2-clause BSD
:+PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM =                Yes
:+NO_BUILD =            Yes
:+NO_TEST =             Yes
:+      ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIST}/minimalist.pl ${PREFIX}/sbin/
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} \
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA} \
:+              ${WRKDIST}/translations/* \
:+              ${PREFIX}/share/examples/minimalist/translations/
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA} \
:+              ${WRKDIST}/lists/minimalist-example/* \
:+              ${PREFIX}/share/examples/minimalist/lists/minimalist-example/
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA} \
:+              ${WRKDIST}/minimalist.conf \
:+              ${PREFIX}/share/examples/minimalist/
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/minimalist/
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/README ${PREFIX}/share/doc/minimalist/
:+      ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/CHANGES ${PREFIX}/share/doc/minimalist/
:+.include <bsd.port.mk>
:Index: distinfo
:RCS file: distinfo
:diff -N distinfo
:--- /dev/null  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
:+++ distinfo   18 Jun 2013 15:32:15 -0000
:@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:+SHA256 (e34248cacab44346175f999b20aa5ac1b81e56da.tar.gz) = 
:+SIZE (e34248cacab44346175f999b20aa5ac1b81e56da.tar.gz) = 61237
:Index: patches/patch-minimalist_conf
:RCS file: patches/patch-minimalist_conf
:diff -N patches/patch-minimalist_conf
:--- /dev/null  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
:+++ patches/patch-minimalist_conf      18 Jun 2013 15:32:15 -0000
:@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
:+--- minimalist.conf.orig      Fri Aug  3 10:52:51 2012
:++++ minimalist.conf   Fri Aug  3 11:22:12 2012
:+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
:+ # 
:+ # Defaults to the real uid
:+ #
:+-#user = minimalist
:++user = _minimalist
:+ # Administrator password. It applies to all lists, regardless to
:+ # authentication settings in these lists. For per-list authentication see
:+@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
:+ #
:+ # Default is no logfile
:+ #
:+-#logfile = /var/log/Minimalist.log
:++logfile = /var/log/minimalist
:+ # Log info about messages, passed through Minimalist. Can be 'yes' or 'no'
:+ #
:+ # Default to 'no'. logfile (see above) to 'none' implies 'no'
:+ #
:+-#log messages = yes
:++log messages = yes
:+ # Run in background. If 'yes', Minimalist uses fork for detach from MTA and
:+ # continues execution in background.
:Index: pkg/DESCR
:RCS file: pkg/DESCR
:diff -N pkg/DESCR
:--- /dev/null  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
:+++ pkg/DESCR  18 Jun 2013 15:32:15 -0000
:@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
:+Minimalist is a MINImalist MAiling LIST manager. It is fast, extremely easy
:+to setup and support. It is written in Perl and tested on OpenBSD/OpenSMTPd.
:+However there are no causes not to use Minimalist on any other Unix system,
:+because it doesn't use any system-dependent features.
:+Minimalist has these features:
:+ . subscribe/unsubscribe users by request
:+    * including write-only option of subscription
:+ . read-only/closed/mandatory lists
:+ . information about list; users, subscribed to list; lists, to which user
:+    subscribed
:+ . per-user options:
:+    * read-only (for open lists)
:+    * write allow (for read-only lists))
:+    * maximum message size
:+ . susped/resume subscription
:+ . archiving lists (internal and external), with maximum size of archived
:+    message
:+ . multilanguage support
:+ . process MIME-encoded messages
:+    * including support for local charset (for reports and footer)
:+ . hook for bounce processing (using VERP - Variable Envelope Return-Path)
:+ . external delivery of processed message
:+ . blacklist
:+ . logging activity
:Index: pkg/MESSAGE
:RCS file: pkg/MESSAGE
:diff -N pkg/MESSAGE
:--- /dev/null  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
:+++ pkg/MESSAGE        18 Jun 2013 15:32:15 -0000
:@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
:+To use the example mailing list installed with this package
:+add the following lines to /etc/mail/aliases and run newaliases.
:+minimalist:                   |/usr/local/sbin/minimalist.pl
:+minimalist-example:           |/usr/local/sbin/minimalist.pl
:+minimalist-example-owner:     postmaster
:Index: pkg/PLIST
:RCS file: pkg/PLIST
:diff -N pkg/PLIST
:--- /dev/null  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
:+++ pkg/PLIST  18 Jun 2013 15:32:15 -0000
:@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
:+@comment $OpenBSD$
:+@newuser _minimalist:701:nogroup::Minimalist mailing list 
:+@exec-add install -o _minimalist -g wheel -m 640 /dev/null /var/log/minimalist
:+@mode 4555
:+@owner root
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/
:+@extra /var/db/minimalist/auth/.lastclean
:+@mode 700
:+@owner _minimalist
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/auth/
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/lists/
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/lists/minimalist-example/
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/lists/minimalist-example/config
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/lists/minimalist-example/footer
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/lists/minimalist-example/info
:+@mode 600
:+@owner _minimalist
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/lists/minimalist-example/list
:+@sample /etc/minimalist.conf
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/translations/
:+@sample /var/db/minimalist/translations/de.pm

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