
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 07:42:27PM +0200, Joerg Jung wrote:
> > If you're brave, you may also look at this old diff from me:
> > 
> > http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=131534219626722&w=2
> > 
> > The problem is that I didn't get the necessary quirk working, not
> > even the one from sthen@.
> I looked into this, tested the quirk route and run into the same issues.
> IMHO, lout is a rather simple port and it is not worthwhile to add so
> many lines of Perl quirks code just for a few index files.
> What about simply adding a note in current.html to remove the old 
> package before installing the new one (as done similar for kqemu and
> others earlier)?

That would be fine for me. Not the perfect solution, but I guess
only few people are even using lout (I don't, I just had a look at
it out of curiosity), and those who are using it should be smart
enough to look at current.html when they get conflicts during the
update ;-)

And since nothing depends on lout, so a pkg_delete / pkg_add won't
hurt anyone.


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