I am also going to try to raise the limit to 2G. I agree with Scott that maybe the default limit should be raised. There are probably less people needing to lower it than those needing to raise it.

In case the default limit will not be raised I hope you put a install message shown by pkg_add (as is happening with Python, for example) so people will get aware that having just 512M will make it to crash.

From Scott's report, it sounds like he had exactly the same problem as me. I worked around the problem by switching browser, but a useful message at install time to raise the limit would have been very helpful. That message could also contain information about solving problem with horizontal stripes in pictures. Then we do not scare away newcomers.

On 07/24/13 15:47, Scott McEachern wrote:
On 07/24/13 05:48, James Griffin wrote:
The crashes i've experiebced have been only since i installed some extensions/plugins from Mozilla. I've removed them and the browser is much better again. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this. my ulimit -d is: 524288 I will increase it to to test and see if it helps. I have to say, though, i've been using FF on -current since last December and it's been pretty good. Crashes have been few and only rencently.

I used to have firefox crash on a daily basis, usually when I opened too many tabs in sites like IMDb, or especially, gmail. Without fail, opening a gmail tab would crash ffx and after that it wouldn't crash right away, but became painful to use.

I also run about 14 addons, including adblockplus, noscript, ghostery, requestpolicy, etc.

That was with a stock data size of 512M.

Then one day, a long time ago, someone else complained of ffx crashes and landry@, again, asked what happens with a data size of 2G?

I tried it, and miracle of miracles, no more ffx crashes. Gmail works just fine, I could open IMDb tabs to my heart's content, plus a bunch of others. I currently have about 20 tabs open in ffx to various sites (including gmail and IMDb), plus all my addons running, and I don't remember the last time ffx crashed on me.

For me, the real question is whether the default user data size shouldn't be increased in this day and age of modern ("bloated", if you will) browsers.

PS:  Running a relatively-recent -current (Jul 11) on amd64 w/ ffx v22.0.

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