> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 07:35:06PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > next round of betas for gecko 24, those one are targeted for release in
> > > mid-september.
> > 
> > Thanks Landry,
> > 
> > After using the 23 beta and about a week later 24 being released I
> > tried but gave up trying to find out if the beta was vulnerable to the
> > exploits fixed in 24 and so just rebuilt. I just wonder if you have any
> I have absolutely no idea what exploits you're talking about. If it's
> the reliability fixes in 23.0.1, i vaguely looked at it and mostly saw
> windows-fixes.

I am not talking about getting the fixes as soon as mozilla knows about
them. I was just wondering if I had wasted my time by rebuilding 24 so
close to building your 23 beta as the "fixed in 24" erratas on.


may have already been fixed in your 23 beta?

In other words can I just run 23 beta a few days early as safely as 24
until 25 is released. From below I guess I could but would sometimes
miss a security fix or two and it may be a pain to tell. Or maybe when
24 is released it becomes far easier to tell publicly and just rebuild
when that happens?

Anyway no big deal really, just wondering.

> > insights on how they are handled (do they bottle them up under wraps
> > and apply them all at once on release day or include them silently in
> > nightlies).
> The security fixes are applied in central, then backported to aurora and
> beta, and eventually to release if they're serious, in that case a
> chemspill release is done including all pending fixes.

> > p.s. any tips on tracking webkit vulns and whether they are fixed in
> > the port would be much appreciated too as xombrero is now my fav
> > browser but I have been using the much slower firefox due to possible
> > vulns (osvdb.org) in 2.04.
> You clearly have way too much paranoia. Use lynx ?

I will still use xombrero on some systems just contrasting and
evaluating both for use by me for all tasks. I may even switch at
times and I am not a chromium fan as it doesn't do basic things like
clearing data on close or the whitelisting/noscript functions.

> Landry


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
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(Doug McIlroy)

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