On 9/25/2013 9:09 AM, Eivind Evensen wrote:
This is an X11 filemanager.

* You need an RCS ID at the top (# $OpenBSD$ will do).
* You forgot to put your name for MAINTAINER :) You only wrote your email address.
* The license is GPLv2+
* You only need the PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM=Yes line.
* You should run 'make port-lib-depends-check' and add the appropriate libraries to WANTLIB and LIB_DEPENDS (as an exception, intl takes MODULES=devel/gettext and no intl in WANTLIB). * You need RUN_DEPENDS=devel/desktop-file-utils (I see a .desktop file in pkg/PLIST).
* Don't use DISTFILES; it's smart enough to know what you want.
* I'm not in love with the COMMENT; maybe someone else can chime in here. (for example, look at the COMMENT for x11/xfe)

* You need to run pkg/DESCR through 'fmt -72' - one of your lines is too long. However, the one offending line is talking about the software being licensed GPLv2+, which is already noted in the Makefile, so you should delete it instead.

* Because you need RUN_DEPENDS=devel/desktop-file-utils, you need the corresponding PLIST goo. Take a look at any of the many ports that have a .desktop file to see how to do that.

The port itself:
* Any reason not to use libmagic? We have a port for it in devel/libmagic.
* I don't believe we have a port of AVFS but it might be worth looking into.

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