Hi Jeremie,

Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas wrote on Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 06:16:35PM +0100:

> I'm using gnupg-1.4.15 on i386 since some time already.  No MD code
> seems to have changed, no problem shown in daily use or ''make test''
> output.
> A tarball diff is available here for convenience:
>   http://autogeree.net/~jca/tmp/gnupg-1.4.13to15-tarballs.diff.gz (525 KB)
> The real changes start at gpg.c.
> The following diff:
> - updates to 1.4.15...
> - which includes the changes we have in patches/patch-mpi_mpi-pow_c
> - removes the use of autoconf in CONFIGURE_STYLE (we don't patch
>   autoconf source files anymore).

No comment one the update itself, i didn't look at it.

> I also thought about removing USE_GROFF since the displaying glitches
> are fairly minor.  What do you think?
>   http://autogeree.net/~jca/tmp/gpg-manpage.diff
>   http://autogeree.net/~jca/tmp/gpgv-manpage.diff

Both were minor bugs in mandoc(1), both are fixed now
in OpenBSD-current and in mdocml.bsd.lv.

So you can remove USE_GROFF.

Thanks for the report,

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