On 2013/12/14 11:26, Landry Breuil wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 11:20:47AM +0100, LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I want to pick your brains about something, if I may.
> > How do you handle a port update (like eg. postgresql) as a maintainer,
> > if the new version is not compatible with the older versions' data
> > files? I can see that with every major version postgresql update, there
> > is a warning to dump/restore. But it always seemed futile to me to
> > display a warning that a dump would have been necessary, after that fact
> > that the package has been upgraded (and I don't the old binaries).
> The way it's done for postgresql (ie @ask-update in PLIST), the question
> is showed _before_ actually upgrading anything. So that when you see it,
> you make a dump, answer 'y', and then restore the dump after the
> upgrade.
> Landry

This works nicely for a normal update, but doesn't help the flag day
update for 5.5, so it needs a specific note in the upgrade notes in
current.html (and then copied to upgrade55.html).

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