On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:18:14AM +0400, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
> 2014/1/24 Ian Darwin <i...@darwinsys.com>:
> > Somewhat overdue, no official maintainer ATM. Upgrade from 9.x to
> > 12.x.  Regen PLIST shows this adds lots of plugins (they finally
> > stopped mooching off Eclipse for their Java compiler :-)).
> >
> > Didn't upgrade to 13.x yet b/c it comes with a bunch of binary .so's
> > for other platforms and I didn't have time to evaluate how important
> > they are. Like to get this in now, worry about 13 later. OK?
> Ian, could you please, take a look at this, too? I don't use IDEA for
> now and thus I forgot about this update.
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=138228998608804&w=2

Heh, yours is better. If you use my BUILD variable or similar, then
it has my OK (I hate getting part way through a Makefile and finding
some completely random build number pulled out of the darkness and
stuck into a directory path like that).

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