Le 22-01-2014 01:35, Brad Smith a écrit :
On 21/01/14 7:30 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2014/01/21 18:57, Brad Smith wrote:
On 21/01/14 6:07 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2014/01/08 14:07, Remi Pointel wrote:

this is the diff to update libssh to latest release 0.6.0.

It needs the new port devel/cmocka also attached, for regress tests.

please clean up the whitespace at EOL of HOMEPAGE in cmocka/Makefile, and zap PERMIT_PACKAGE_FTP/PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP - also it looks like it
should be SHARED_ONLY (no static library to go with the shared one).

Don't know why you say it looks like there is no static library. There
definitely are such libraries in the PLIST.

@lib lib/libssh.so.${LIBssh_VERSION}
@lib lib/libssh_threads.so.${LIBssh_threads_VERSION}

That's cmocka, not libssh

My bad, I thought you were referring to libssh. Anyway,
cmocka has a CMake option WITH_STATIC_LIB that is disabled
by default. That should be enabled.

I modified cmocka to have WITH_STATIC_LIB and UNIT_TESTING, so we have now regress tests and the static library.

Are you ok for importing cmocka and for updating libssh to 0.6.0 ?



Attachment: cmocka-0.3.2.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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