On 2014/02/03 17:39, Jiri B wrote:
> I'm not native English speaker so I'm not sure I do
> understand meaning correctly or if the wording is
> OK...
>    NOTE: sudo calls closefrom(2).  In order to have more than one
>          fd passed tap interface, a line to sudoers akin to:
>                 Defaults closefrom_override
>          then calling sudo via 'sudo -C 5 -u $USER qemu-system-i386 ..'
>          is required.  See sudoers(5) and sudo(8) for details.
> "...more than one fd passed tap interface,...". Is this correct?
> What does it want to say exactly?

Maybe "fd-passed tap interface" would be clearer. Basically it's talking about a
tap interface which has been passed via a file descriptor. If you want more than
one of those, you need to override sudo's default, which is to close FDs higher
than 3.

     -C fd       Normally, sudo will close all open file descriptors other
                 than standard input, standard output and standard error.  The
                 -C (close from) option allows the user to specify a starting
                 point above the standard error (file descriptor three).
                 Values less than three are not permitted.  This option is
                 only available when the administrator has enabled the
                 closefrom_override option in sudoers(5).

> I made my qemu VM work with multiple ifaces with following
> command, each VM's iface has its own tun(4) device on the
> OpenBSD host.
> $ sudo sh -c "sudo -C 5 -u jirib qemu-system-x86_64 -net 
> nic,model=virtio,vlan=0 \
>   -net tap,vlan=0,fd=3 -net nic,vlan=1,model=virtio -net tap,vlan=1,fd=4 \
>   -no-fd-bootchk -drive file=~/tmp/qemu/virtual.img,if=virtio,format=qcow2 \
>   -drive file=~/downloads/install55.iso,if=scsi,media=cdrom \
>   -boot order=cd,once=d 3<>/dev/tun0 4<>/dev/tun1"
> Am I doing multi-nic qemu VM correctly?
> jirib

looks right. does it work?

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