Platform: amd64-current, latest snapshot.

Flightgear hangs exactly when the splash-screen is supposed to disappear. When checking the processes with 'top', it is reading ttmwt in the WAITfield for fgfs.

How to reproduce:
Start up flightgear, activate automatic Scenary downloading (under File, F10 to show the menu). Let it download information about all aiports. Exit.

Start up flightgear with 'fgfs  --aircraft=777-300ER --airport=EFHK'
It will now automatically download the scenary for Helsinki airport. When everything is loaded and and the splash-screen should fade away, it hangs.

These steps works well with same version (3.0.0) of flightgear in Linux and no hanging occures.

One wish:
Flightgear requires a lot of memory resources. It would be good if a message would appear either by pkg_add or some documentation in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes would tell you about raising the limits.

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