Hi ports@,

i'm currently porting the game engine for jagged alliance 2 [1] 
to openbsd.  If i clone the repository and do

    # pkg_add sdl gmake gcc g++
    $ CC=egcc CXX=eg++ gmake

the program builds and runs fine.  It also ships with unittests,
which all pass.  However, i now tried to build a port (see 
attachment).  It also builds, but when i run the unittests, the
following line is printed:

    ja2:/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.57.0: /usr/local/lib/libestdc++.so.16.0 : 
WARNING: symbol(_ZN11__gnu_debug17_S_debug_messagesE) size mismatch, relink 
your program

What can i do to link against estdc++?

Please note that this port is a WIP, the license doesn't allow
commercial use, so i'm unsure if the package would be allowed on
cd or only on ftp.

Here is the Makefile for convenience:

# $OpenBSD: Makefile.template,v 1.68 2013/10/02 07:34:45 ajacoutot Exp $

COMMENT =       Jagged Alliance 2 engine with bugfixes

DISTNAME =      9f7f461f0a2d
PKGNAME =       ja2-stracciatella-${DISTNAME}
REVISION =      3

CATEGORIES =    games
HOMEPAGE =      https://bitbucket.org/gennady/ja2-stracciatella/overview

# SFI-SCLA / public domain
#PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = No #    is publishing the package a commercial use?

# "make port-lib-depends-check" can help
WANTLIB +=      boost_filesystem boost_system c m pthread SDL stdc++ # gtest 

MASTER_SITES =  https://bitbucket.org/gennady/ja2-stracciatella/get/

# some source files contain a BOM which gcc 4.2.1 can't handle
MODULES =       gcc4

BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/sdl \

LIB_DEPENDS =   devel/sdl \
# devel/gtest

USE_GMAKE =     Yes
WRKDIST =       ${WRKDIR}/gennady-ja2-stracciatella-${DISTNAME}/
NO_TEST =       Yes

.include <bsd.port.mk>

Thanks for help,

[1]: https://bitbucket.org/gennady/ja2-stracciatella/

Attachment: ja2-stracciatella.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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