hmm, on Sat, May 17, 2014 at 11:02:30PM +0100, Stuart Henderson said that
> On 2014/05/17 17:35, Seth Jackson wrote:
> > This updates Mercurial from 2.8.2 to 3.0.
> Have you checked dependencies?
> $ sqlite3 /usr/local/share/sqlports 'select distinct fullpkgpath from depends 
> where dependspath = "devel/mercurial"'

i have lived to see the day when sql (SQL!) queries can
be used in openbsd for the ports index.

there is a famous fairy tale king in hungarian folklore:
the father king whose one eye is crying and the other
is smiling. now i know exactly what that is like :)

i plan to live forever or die trying.

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