The upgrade notes for 5.5 suggest that akpop3d might work as a
replacement for the popa3d that was removed from base. Is there a trick
to using this daemon? akpop3d does not seem to manage locks correctly:

# tail /var/log/maillog
May 23 23:27:16 vm akpop3d[4954]: Connection from
May 23 23:27:16 vm akpop3d[6121]: Authenticated eradman
May 23 23:27:21 vm akpop3d[6121]: failed to lock maildrop:
File exists

# ls /var/mail/eradman*
-rw-------  1 eradman  users       2334 May  3 23:28 eradman
-rw-r-----  1 eradman  _akpop3d       5 May 26 08:38 eradman.lock

I ended up using solid-pop3d which was trivial to install. I've been
using nginx from ports to provide SSL access:

# pf.conf
block in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port pop3

# nginx.conf
mail {
    auth_http         localhost:9000;

    proxy               on;
    ssl_protocols           TLSv1 SSLv3;
    ssl_certificate         /etc/mail/certs/;
    ssl_certificate_key     /etc/mail/certs/;

    pop3_auth         plain apop cram-md5;

    server {
        protocol    pop3;
        listen      995;
        ssl         on;
        pop3_auth   plain;

Eric Radman

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