
this is a straightforward update removing tons of patches. ok?


On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 12:45:33 +0200 Christopher Zimmermann
<christop...@gmerlin.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> ok to update batteries?
> Christopher

Index: ocaml-batteries/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/ocaml-batteries/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -p -r1.12 Makefile
--- ocaml-batteries/Makefile    22 Oct 2014 13:00:54 -0000      1.12
+++ ocaml-batteries/Makefile    25 Oct 2014 18:03:11 -0000
@@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
 COMMENT =      OCaml Batteries Included - OCaml foundation library
 CATEGORIES =   devel
-V =            2.2.0
+V =            2.3.0
 GH_ACCOUNT =   ocaml-batteries-team
 GH_PROJECT =   batteries-included
-GH_COMMIT =    9370680ef30e225e50c76fc05654a897d79ee79d
 PKGNAME =      ocaml-batteries-$V
-REVISION =     1
 HOMEPAGE =     http://batteries.forge.ocamlcore.org/
Index: ocaml-batteries/distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/ocaml-batteries/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -p -r1.5 distinfo
--- ocaml-batteries/distinfo    27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 -0000      1.5
+++ ocaml-batteries/distinfo    25 Oct 2014 18:03:11 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (batteries-included-2.2.0.tar.gz) = 
-SIZE (batteries-included-2.2.0.tar.gz) = 711646
+SHA256 (batteries-included-2.3.0.tar.gz) = 
+SIZE (batteries-included-2.3.0.tar.gz) = 728979
Index: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-Makefile
RCS file: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-Makefile
diff -N ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-Makefile
--- ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-Makefile      27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 -0000      
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-Makefile,v 1.1 2014/08/27 07:54:22 chrisz Exp $
-from upstream: fix compilation with ocaml 4.02
---- Makefile.orig      Fri Jan 17 20:28:42 2014
-+++ Makefile   Wed Aug 20 11:50:45 2014
-@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ endif
- PREPROCESSED_FILES = src/batMarshal.mli src/batUnix.mli src/batPervasives.mli 
-                    src/batInnerPervasives.ml src/batHashtbl.ml \
--                   src/batPrintexc.mli src/batSys.mli src/batBigarray.mli
-+                   src/batPrintexc.mli src/batPrintf.ml src/batPrintf.mli \
-+                       src/batSys.mli src/batBigarray.mli
- .PHONY: all clean doc install uninstall reinstall test qtest qtest-clean 
camfail camfailunk coverage man
Index: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-build_prefilter_ml
RCS file: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-build_prefilter_ml
diff -N ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-build_prefilter_ml
--- ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-build_prefilter_ml    27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 
-0000      1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-build_prefilter_ml,v 1.1 2014/08/27 07:54:22 chrisz Exp $
-from upstream: support comparison operator for prefilter on version
-needed for backwards compatibility with ocaml < 4.2
---- build/prefilter.ml.orig    Fri Jan 17 20:28:42 2014
-+++ build/prefilter.ml Wed Aug 20 11:50:45 2014
-@@ -3,23 +3,21 @@ let (major, minor) =
-     "%d.%d." (fun j n -> (j, n))
- let filter_cookie_re =
--  Str.regexp "^##V\\([^#]+\\)##"
-+  Str.regexp "^##V\\([<>]?=?\\)\\([^#]+\\)##"
- let version_re =
-   Str.regexp "\\([0-9]+\\)\\(\\.\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?"
--let maybe f x = try Some (f x) with _ -> None
- let process_line line =
-   if Str.string_match filter_cookie_re line 0 then begin
--    let ver_string = Str.matched_group 1 line in
-+    let cmp = match Str.matched_group 1 line with
-+    | "<" -> (<) | ">" -> (>) | "=" -> (=)
-+    | "<=" -> (<=) | ">=" -> (>=) | _ -> (>=)
-+    in
-+    let ver_string = Str.matched_group 2 line in
-     assert (Str.string_match version_re ver_string 0) ;
-     let ver_maj = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 ver_string) in
--    let pass = match maybe (Str.matched_group 3) ver_string with
--    | None -> ver_maj <= major
--    | Some ver_min ->
--      let ver_min = int_of_string ver_min in
--      ver_maj <= major && ver_min <= minor
--    in
-+    let ver_min = try int_of_string (Str.matched_group 3 ver_string) with _ 
-> 0 in
-+    let pass = cmp (major*100+minor) (ver_maj*100+ver_min) in
-     if pass then Str.replace_first filter_cookie_re "" line
-     else ""
-   end else line
Index: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mliv
RCS file: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mliv
diff -N ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mliv
--- ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mliv    27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 
-0000      1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-src_batPrintf_mliv,v 1.1 2014/08/27 07:54:22 chrisz Exp $
-from upstream: fix compilation with ocaml 4.02
---- src/batPrintf.mliv.orig    Wed Aug 20 11:50:45 2014
-+++ src/batPrintf.mliv Wed Aug 20 11:50:45 2014
-@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
-+ * BatPrintf - Extended Printf module
-+ * Copyright (C) 2008 David Teller
-+ *
-+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
-+ * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
-+ *
-+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-+ *)
-+open BatInnerIO
-+(** Formatted output functions (also known as unparsing).
-+    @author Xavier Leroy
-+    @author Pierre Weiss
-+    @author David Teller
-+   {6 General overview}
-+   The functions of this module produce output according to a
-+   {!Pervasives.format}, as described below. Some functions write to
-+   the standard output (i.e. the screen), some to error channels,
-+   some to strings or to buffers, or some to abstract outputs.
-+   {b Note} The types used in this module are confusing at first.
-+   If you are a beginner, you should probably ignore them in a
-+   first time and concentrate on formats.
-+   For a first explanation, we will concentrate on function {!printf}.
-+   As all the functions in this module, the behavior of {!printf} is
-+   dictated by a {!format}. This format is a string, composed of
-+   regular text and directives, and which dictates how to interpret
-+   the other arguments passed to the function. Every directive starts
-+   with character [%].  The most common directive is [%s], which
-+   serves to display a string, something quite useful for
-+   pretty-printing or translation.  Anther common directive is [%i],
-+   which serves to display an integer.
-+   For instance, ["foobar"] is a format with no directive. Calling
-+   [printf "foobar"] prints ["foobar"] on the screen and returns
-+   [()]. On the other hand, ["%s"] is a format with one directive for
-+   printing strings. [printf "%s"] does nothing yet but returns a
-+   function with type [string -> unit]. In turn, [printf "%s"
-+   "foobar"] prints ["foobar"] on the screen and returns [()]. The
-+   main interest of this module is that directives may be combined
-+   together and with text, to allow more complex printing. For instance
-+   [printf "(%s)\n"] is a function with type [string -> unit] which,
-+   when passed string ["foobar"] prints ["(foobar)"] and ends the
-+   line. Similarly, [printf "Here's the result: %s.\n\tComputation
-+   took %i seconds.\n" "foobar" 5] prints
-+   {[Here's the result: foobar
-+         Computation took 5 seconds.]}
-+   Note that [\n] (the newline character) and [\t] (the tabulation)
-+   are not specific to this module but rather part of the conventions
-+   on characters strings in OCaml.
-+   Other directives and functions make this module extremely useful
-+   for printing, pretty-printing and translation of messages to
-+   the user's language. For more information, see the documentation
-+   of {!format} and the various functions.*)
-+   {6 Formats}
-+type ('a, 'b, 'c) t = ('a, 'b, 'c) Pervasives.format
-+   The format to use for displaying the various arguments passed to the 
-+   Syntactically, the format is a character string which contains two types
-+   of objects: plain characters, which are simply copied, and directives,
-+   each of which causes the conversion and printing of arguments.
-+   {7 Simple directives}
-+   All directives start with the [%] character. In their simplest form,
-+   a directive is [%] followed by exactly one character:
-+   - [%d], [%i], [%n], [%l], [%L], or [%N]: convert an integer argument to
-+     signed decimal.
-+   - [%u]: convert an integer argument to unsigned decimal.
-+   - [%x]: convert an integer argument to unsigned hexadecimal,
-+     using lowercase letters.
-+   - [%X]: convert an integer argument to unsigned hexadecimal,
-+     using uppercase letters.
-+   - [%o]: convert an integer argument to unsigned octal.
-+   - [%s]: insert a string argument.
-+   - [%S]: insert a string argument in OCaml syntax (double quotes, escapes).
-+   - [%c]: insert a character argument.
-+   - [%C]: insert a character argument in OCaml syntax (single quotes, 
-+   - [%f]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
-+     in the style [dddd.ddd].
-+   - [%F]: convert a floating-point argument to OCaml syntax ([dddd.]
-+     or [dddd.ddd] or [d.ddd e+-dd]).
-+   - [%e] or [%E]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
-+     in the style [d.ddd e+-dd] (mantissa and exponent).
-+   - [%g] or [%G]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
-+     in style [%f] or [%e], [E] (whichever is more compact).
-+   - [%B]: convert a boolean argument to the string [true] or [false]
-+   - [%b]: convert a boolean argument (for backward compatibility; do not
-+     use in new programs).
-+   - [%ld], [%li], [%lu], [%lx], [%lX], [%lo]: convert an [int32] argument to
-+     the format specified by the second letter (decimal, hexadecimal, etc).
-+   - [%nd], [%ni], [%nu], [%nx], [%nX], [%no]: convert a [nativeint] argument 
-+     the format specified by the second letter.
-+   - [%Ld], [%Li], [%Lu], [%Lx], [%LX], [%Lo]: convert an [int64] argument to
-+     the format specified by the second letter.
-+   - [!]: take no argument and flush the output.
-+   - [%]: take no argument and output one [%] character.
-+   - [,]: the no-op delimiter for conversion specifications
-+   {7 Unparsers}
-+   - [%a]: user-defined printer. Typically, this printer corresponds to two
-+     arguments: a printing function [f], with type ['a output -> 'c -> unit]
-+     and the item [x] you want to print, with type ['c]. Item [x] will
-+     be printing by calling [f out x], where [out] is the output you are
-+     currently using -- if you are calling {!printf}, this output is
-+     the standard output (i.e. the screen), if you are calling {!eprintf},
-+     this will be the error channel, if you are calling {!fprintf}, this
-+     will be the output you provided yourself, etc. More generally, if your
-+     {!format} has type [('a, 'b, 'd) format] or [('a, 'b, 'd, 'e) format4],
-+     the printing function [f] must have type ['b -> 'c -> 'd], where
-+     [x] has type ['d].
-+   - [%t]: same as [%a] but takes only a printing function [f],
-+     without an item. If your {!format} has type [('a, 'b, 'd) format]
-+     or [('a, 'b, 'd, 'e) format4], function [f] must have type
-+     ['b -> 'd].
-+   {7 Formatting formats}
-+   - [%\{ fmt %\}]: convert a {!format} to a string. The format argument
-+     must have the same type as the internal format string [fmt].
-+     In other words, [printf "%\{ %s %\}"] accepts an argument
-+     whose type must be the same as that of format ["%s"], and
-+     prints that format argument as if it were a character string.
-+   - [%( fmt %)]: format string substitution. Takes a format string
-+     argument and substitutes it to the internal format string [fmt]
-+     to print following arguments. The argument must have the same
-+     type as [fmt]. [printf "%\{ %s %\}"] accepts an argument
-+     whose type must be the same as that of format ["%s"], and
-+     uses that argument to print the following arguments.
-+   {7 Additional options}
-+   The general format of directives is
-+   [% \[flags\] \[width\] \[.precision\] type]
-+   [type] is one of [d], [i], [n], [l], [L], [N], [u], [x] ...,
-+   [( fmt %)] and behaves as explained above.
-+   The optional [flags] are:
-+   - [-]: left-justify the output (default is right justification).
-+   - [0]: for numerical conversions, pad with zeroes instead of spaces.
-+   - [+]: for numerical conversions, prefix number with a [+] sign if 
-+   - space: for numerical conversions, prefix number with a space if positive.
-+   - [#]: request an alternate formatting style for numbers.
-+   The optional [width] is an integer indicating the minimal
-+   width of the result. For instance, [%6d] prints an integer,
-+   prefixing it with spaces to fill at least 6 characters.
-+   The optional [precision] is a dot [.] followed by an integer
-+   indicating how many digits follow the decimal point in the [%f],
-+   [%e], and [%E] conversions. For instance, [%.4f] prints a [float] with
-+   4 fractional digits.
-+   The integer in a [width] or [precision] can also be specified as
-+   [*], in which case an extra integer argument is taken to specify
-+   the corresponding [width] or [precision]. This integer argument
-+   precedes immediately the argument to print.
-+   For instance, [%.*f] prints a [float] with as many fractional
-+   digits as the value of the argument given before the float.
-+(** {6 Common functions}*)
-+val printf: ('b, 'a output, unit) t -> 'b
-+(**The usual [printf] function, prints to the standard output {!stdout}, i.e. 
-+   to the screen. If you are lost, this is probably the function you're 
looking for.*)
-+val eprintf: ('b, 'a output, unit) t -> 'b
-+(**The usual [eprintf] function, prints to the standard error output 
{!stderr}, used
-+   to display warnings and errors. Otherwise identical to {!printf}.*)
-+val sprintf:  ('a, unit, string) t -> 'a
-+(** A function which doesn't print its result but returns it as a string. 
-+    for building messages, for translation purposes or for display in a 
-+    for instance.
-+    While this function is quite convenient, don't abuse it to create very 
-+    strings such as files, that's not its role. For this kind of usage, prefer
-+    the more modular and usually faster {!fprintf}.
-+    Note that any function called with [%a] should return strings, i.e.
-+    should have type [unit -> string].*)
-+val sprintf2: ('a, 'b output, unit, string) format4 -> 'a
-+(** A function which doesn't print its result but returns it as a string. 
-+    for building messages, for translation purposes or for display in a 
-+    for instance.
-+    While this function is quite convenient, don't abuse it to create very 
-+    strings such as files, that's not its role. For this kind of usage, prefer
-+    the more modular and usually faster {!fprintf}.
-+    Note that any function called with [%a] should be able to print its 
-+    i.e. should have type ['b output -> unit].
-+    Warning: a partial application of this function can only be used once,
-+    because the {!BatInnerIO.output} that it uses is closed afterwards.
-+    Example: [let f = sprintf2 "%a" Int.print in [f 1; f 2]] will fail. *)
-+(** {6 General functions}*)
-+val fprintf: 'a output -> ('b, 'a output, unit) t -> 'b
-+(**General function. This function prints to any output. Typically,
-+   if you are attempting to build a large output such as a file,
-+   this is probably the function you are looking for. If you are
-+   writing a pretty-printer, this is probably the function you are
-+   looking for. If you are you are looking for a function to use for
-+   argument [%a] with {!printf}, {!eprintf}, {!sprintf2},
-+   {!ifprintf}, {!bprintf2}, {!kfprintf}, {!ksprintf2}, {!kbprintf2}
-+   or any other function with type [(_, _ output, unit) format] or
-+   [(_, _ output, unit, _) format4], this is also probably the
-+   function you are looking for.*)
-+val ifprintf: _        -> ('b, 'a output, unit) t -> 'b
-+(**As {!fprintf} but doesn't actually print anything.
-+   Sometimes useful for debugging.*)
-+val bprintf: Buffer.t  -> ('a, Buffer.t, unit) t -> 'a
-+(**As {!fprintf}, but with buffers instead of outputs.
-+   In particular, any unparser called with [%a] should
-+   write to a buffer rather than to an output*)
-+val bprintf2: Buffer.t  -> ('b, 'a output, unit) t -> 'b
-+(**As {!printf} but writes to a buffer instead
-+   of printing to the output. By opposition to
-+   {!bprintf}, only the result is changed with
-+   respect to {!printf}, not the inner workings.*)
-+(**{6 Functions with continuations}*)
-+val kfprintf : ('a output -> 'b) -> 'a output -> ('c, 'a output, unit, 'b) 
format4 -> 'c
-+(**Same as [fprintf], but instead of returning immediately, passes the 
[output] to its first
-+   argument at the end of printing.*)
-+val ksprintf: (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b
-+(** Same as [sprintf] above, but instead of returning the string,
-+    passes it to the first argument. *)
-+val ksprintf2: (string -> 'b) -> ('c, 'a output, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'c
-+(** Same as [sprintf2] above, but instead of returning the string,
-+    passes it to the first argument. *)
-+val kbprintf : (Buffer.t -> 'a) ->
-+  Buffer.t -> ('b, Buffer.t, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
-+(** Same as [bprintf], but instead of returning immediately,
-+    passes the buffer to its first argument at the end of printing. *)
-+val kbprintf2 : (Buffer.t -> 'b) ->  Buffer.t -> ('c, 'a output, unit, 'b) 
format4 -> 'c
-+(** Same as [bprintf2], but instead of returning immediately,
-+    passes the buffer to its first argument at the end of printing.*)
-+val kprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b
-+(** @deprecated This is a deprecated synonym for [ksprintf]. *)
-+   {6 About formats}
-+   You only need to read this if you intend to create your new printf-like 
-+   which happens generally by toying with {!mkprintf}.
-+   {7 Format4}
-+   [('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4] is the type of arguments for
-+   [printf]-style functions such that
-+   - ['a] is the type of arguments, with a return type of ['d]
-+   {ul
-+   {- if your format looks like ["%s"], ['a] is [string -> 'd]}
-+   {- if your format looks like ["%s%s"], ['a] is [string -> string -> 'd]}
-+   {- ...}
-+   }
-+   - ['b] is the type of the first argument given to unparsers
-+   (i.e. functions introduced with [%a] or [%t])
-+   {ul
-+   {- if your unparsers take a [unit] argument, ['b] should be
-+   [unit]}
-+   {- if your unparsers take a [string output], ['b] should be
-+   [string output]}
-+   {- ...}
-+   }
-+   - ['c] is the {b final} return type of unparsers
-+   {ul
-+   {- if you have an unparser introduced with [%t] and its result
-+   has type [unit], ['c] should be [unit]}
-+   {- if you have an unparser introduced with [%a] and its type is
-+   [string output -> string -> unit], ['c] should be [unit]}
-+   {- ...}
-+   }
-+   - ['d] is the final return value of the function once all
-+   arguments have been printed
-+   {7 Format}
-+   [('a, 'b, 'c) format] or [('a, 'b, 'c) t] is just a shortcut for [('a, 'b, 
'c, 'c) format4].
-+   {7 Important}
-+   Note that {!Obj.magic} is involved behind this, so be careful.
-+(* For OCaml system internal use only. Don't call directly. *)
-+##V<4.2##module CamlinternalPr : sig
-+##V<4.2##  module Sformat : sig
-+##V<4.2##    type index;;
-+##V<4.2##    val index_of_int : int -> index;;
-+##V<4.2##    external int_of_index : index -> int = "%identity";;
-+##V<4.2##    external unsafe_index_of_int : int -> index = "%identity";;
-+##V<4.2##    val succ_index : index -> index;;
-+##V<4.2##    val sub : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> index -> int -> 
-+##V<4.2##    val to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string;;
-+##V<4.2##    external length : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int
-+##V<4.2##      = "%string_length";;
-+##V<4.2##    external get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
-+##V<4.2##      = "%string_safe_get";;
-+##V<4.2##    external unsafe_to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> 
-+##V<4.2##      = "%identity";;
-+##V<4.2##    external unsafe_get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> 
-+##V<4.2##      = "%string_unsafe_get";;
-+##V<4.2##  end;;
-+##V<4.2##  module Tformat : sig
-+##V<4.2##    type ac = {
-+##V<4.2##      mutable ac_rglr : int;
-+##V<4.2##      mutable ac_skip : int;
-+##V<4.2##      mutable ac_rdrs : int;
-+##V<4.2##    };;
-+##V<4.2##    val ac_of_format : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> ac;;
-+##V<4.2##    val sub_format :
-+##V<4.2##      (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int) ->
-+##V<4.2##      (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char -> int) ->
-+##V<4.2##      char ->
-+##V<4.2##      ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
-+##V<4.2##      int ->
-+##V<4.2##      int
-+##V<4.2##    val summarize_format_type : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> 
-+##V<4.2##    val scan_format : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
-+##V<4.2##      'g array ->
-+##V<4.2##      Sformat.index ->
-+##V<4.2##      int ->
-+##V<4.2##      (Sformat.index -> string -> int -> 'h) ->
-+##V<4.2##      (Sformat.index -> 'i -> 'j -> int -> 'h) ->
-+##V<4.2##      (Sformat.index -> 'k -> int -> 'h) ->
-+##V<4.2##      (Sformat.index -> int -> 'h) ->
-+##V<4.2##      (Sformat.index -> ('l, 'm, 'n, 'o, 'p, 'q) format6 -> int -> 
'h) ->
-+##V<4.2##      'h
-+##V<4.2##    val kapr :
-+##V<4.2##      (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> Obj.t array -> 'g) ->
-+##V<4.2##      ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
-+##V<4.2##      'g
-+##V<4.2##  end;;
Index: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mlv
RCS file: ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mlv
diff -N ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mlv
--- ocaml-batteries/patches/patch-src_batPrintf_mlv     27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 
-0000      1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-src_batPrintf_mlv,v 1.1 2014/08/27 07:54:22 chrisz Exp $
-from upstream: fix compilation with ocaml 4.02
---- src/batPrintf.mlv.orig     Wed Aug 20 11:50:45 2014
-+++ src/batPrintf.mlv  Wed Aug 20 11:50:45 2014
-@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
-+ * BatPrintf - Extended Printf module
-+ * Copyright (C) 2008 David Teller (contributor)
-+ *
-+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
-+ * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
-+ *
-+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ *
-+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-+ *)
-+   {6 Printf}
-+   A reimplementation of Printf (with a few additional functions) based
-+   on [output].    We provide an internal signature to limit the dangers
-+   of {!Obj.magic}.
-+   {b Note} this module is inlined because of circular dependencies 
-+   caused by the legacy definition of a function {!printf} in module 
-+open BatInnerIO
-+external format_float: string -> float -> string
-+  = "caml_format_float"
-+external format_int: string -> int -> string
-+  = "caml_format_int"
-+external format_int32: string -> int32 -> string
-+  = "caml_int32_format"
-+external format_nativeint: string -> nativeint -> string
-+  = "caml_nativeint_format"
-+external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string
-+  = "caml_int64_format"
-+module Sformat = struct
-+  type index;;
-+  external unsafe_index_of_int : int -> index = "%identity";;
-+  let index_of_int i =
-+    if i >= 0 then unsafe_index_of_int i
-+    else failwith ("index_of_int: negative argument " ^ string_of_int i);;
-+  external int_of_index : index -> int = "%identity";;
-+  let add_int_index i idx = index_of_int (i + int_of_index idx);;
-+  let succ_index = add_int_index 1;;
-+  external length : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int
-+    = "%string_length";;
-+  external get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
-+    = "%string_safe_get";;
-+  external unsafe_get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
-+    = "%string_unsafe_get";;
-+  external unsafe_to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string
-+    = "%identity";;
-+  let sub fmt idx len =
-+    String.sub (unsafe_to_string fmt) (int_of_index idx) len;;
-+  let to_string fmt = sub fmt (unsafe_index_of_int 0) (length fmt);;
-+let bad_conversion sfmt i c =
-+  invalid_arg
-+    ("printf: bad conversion %" ^ String.make 1 c ^ ", at char number " ^
-+     string_of_int i ^ " in format string ``" ^ sfmt ^ "''");;
-+let bad_conversion_format fmt i c =
-+  bad_conversion (Sformat.to_string fmt) i c;;
-+let incomplete_format fmt =
-+  invalid_arg
-+    ("printf: premature end of format string ``" ^
-+     Sformat.to_string fmt ^ "''");;
-+(* Parses a string conversion to return the specified length and the padding 
direction. *)
-+let parse_string_conversion sfmt =
-+  let rec parse neg i =
-+    if i >= String.length sfmt then (0, neg) else
-+      match String.unsafe_get sfmt i with
-+      | '1'..'9' ->
-+        (int_of_string
-+           (String.sub sfmt i (String.length sfmt - i - 1)),
-+         neg)
-+      | '-' -> parse true (succ i)
-+      | _   -> parse neg  (succ i) in
-+  try parse false 1 with Failure _ -> bad_conversion sfmt 0 's'
-+(* Pad a (sub) string into a blank string of length [p],
-+   on the right if [neg] is true, on the left otherwise. *)
-+let pad_string pad_char p neg s i len =
-+  if p = len && i = 0 then s else
-+  if p <= len then String.sub s i len else
-+    let res = String.make p pad_char in
-+    if neg
-+    then String.blit s i res 0 len
-+    else String.blit s i res (p - len) len;
-+    res
-+(* Format a string given a %s format, e.g. %40s or %-20s.
-+   To do: ignore other flags (#, +, etc)? *)
-+let format_string sfmt s =
-+  let (p, neg) = parse_string_conversion sfmt in
-+  pad_string ' ' p neg s 0 (String.length s);;
-+(* Extract a format string out of [fmt] between [start] and [stop] inclusive.
-+   '*' in the format are replaced by integers taken from the [widths] list.
-+   extract_format returns a string. *)
-+let extract_format fmt start stop widths =
-+  let start = succ start in
-+  let b = Buffer.create (stop - start + 10) in
-+  Buffer.add_char b '%';
-+  let rec fill_format i widths =
-+    if i <= stop then
-+      match (Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i, widths) with
-+      | ('*', h :: t) ->
-+        Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int h);
-+        let i = succ i in
-+        fill_format i t
-+      | ('*', []) ->
-+        assert false (* should not happen *)
-+      | (c, _) ->
-+        Buffer.add_char b c; fill_format (succ i) widths in
-+  fill_format start (List.rev widths);
-+  Buffer.contents b;;
-+let extract_format_int conv fmt start stop widths =
-+  let sfmt = extract_format fmt start stop widths in
-+  match conv with
-+  | 'n' | 'N' ->
-+    sfmt.[String.length sfmt - 1] <- 'u';
-+    sfmt
-+  | _ -> sfmt;;
-+(* Returns the position of the next character following the meta format
-+   string, starting from position [i], inside a given format [fmt].
-+   According to the character [conv], the meta format string is
-+   enclosed by the delimitors %{ and %} (when [conv = '{']) or %( and
-+   %) (when [conv = '(']). Hence, [sub_format] returns the index of
-+   the character following the [')'] or ['}'] that ends the meta format,
-+   according to the character [conv]. *)
-+let sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion_format conv fmt i =
-+  let len = Sformat.length fmt in
-+  let rec sub_fmt c i =
-+    let close = if c = '(' then ')' else (* '{' *) '}' in
-+    let rec sub j =
-+      if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
-+        match Sformat.get fmt j with
-+        | '%' -> sub_sub (succ j)
-+        | _ -> sub (succ j)
-+    and sub_sub j =
-+      if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
-+        match Sformat.get fmt j with
-+        | '(' | '{' as c ->
-+          let j = sub_fmt c (succ j) in sub (succ j)
-+        | '}' | ')' as c ->
-+          if c = close then succ j else bad_conversion_format fmt i c
-+        | _ -> sub (succ j) in
-+    sub i in
-+  sub_fmt conv i;;
-+let sub_format_for_printf conv =
-+  sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion_format conv;;
-+let iter_on_format_args fmt add_conv add_char =
-+  let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in
-+  let rec scan_flags skip i =
-+    if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
-+      match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
-+      | '*' -> scan_flags skip (add_conv skip i 'i')
-+      | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags skip (succ i)
-+      | '_' -> scan_flags true (succ i)
-+      | '0'..'9'
-+      | '.' -> scan_flags skip (succ i)
-+      | _ -> scan_conv skip i
-+  and scan_conv skip i =
-+    if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
-+      match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
-+      | '%' | '!' | ',' -> succ i
-+      | 's' | 'S' | '[' -> add_conv skip i 's'
-+      | 'c' | 'C' -> add_conv skip i 'c'
-+      | 'd' | 'i' |'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' | 'N' -> add_conv skip i 'i'
-+      | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' -> add_conv skip i 'f'
-+      | 'B' | 'b' -> add_conv skip i 'B'
-+      | 'a' | 'r' | 't' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
-+      | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
-+        let j = succ i in
-+        if j > lim then add_conv skip i 'i' else begin
-+          match Sformat.get fmt j with
-+          | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' ->
-+            add_char (add_conv skip i conv) 'i'
-+          | _c -> add_conv skip i 'i' end
-+      | '{' as conv ->
-+        (* Just get a regular argument, skipping the specification. *)
-+        let i = add_conv skip i conv in
-+        (* To go on, find the index of the next char after the meta format. *)
-+        let j = sub_format_for_printf conv fmt i in
-+        (* Add the meta specification to the summary anyway. *)
-+        let rec loop i =
-+          if i < j - 2 then loop (add_char i (Sformat.get fmt i)) in
-+        loop i;
-+        (* Go on, starting at the closing brace to properly close the meta
-+           specification in the summary. *)
-+        scan_conv skip (j - 1)
-+      | '(' as conv ->
-+        (* Use the static format argument specification instead of
-+           the runtime format argument value: they must have the same type
-+           anyway. *)
-+        scan_fmt (add_conv skip i conv)
-+      | '}' | ')' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
-+      | conv -> bad_conversion_format fmt i conv
-+  and scan_fmt i =
-+    if i < lim then
-+      if Sformat.get fmt i = '%'
-+      then scan_fmt (scan_flags false (succ i))
-+      else scan_fmt (succ i)
-+    else i in
-+  ignore (scan_fmt 0);;
-+(* Returns a string that summarizes the typing information that a given
-+   format string contains.
-+   For instance, [summarize_format_type "A number %d\n"] is "%i".
-+   It also checks the well-formedness of the format string. *)
-+let summarize_format_type fmt =
-+  let len = Sformat.length fmt in
-+  let b = Buffer.create len in
-+  let add_char i c = Buffer.add_char b c; succ i in
-+  let add_conv skip i c =
-+    if skip then Buffer.add_string b "%_" else Buffer.add_char b '%';
-+    add_char i c in
-+  iter_on_format_args fmt add_conv add_char;
-+  Buffer.contents b;;
-+module Ac = struct
-+  type ac = {
-+    mutable ac_rglr : int;
-+    mutable ac_skip : int;
-+    mutable ac_rdrs : int;
-+  }
-+open Ac;;
-+(* Computes the number of arguments of a format (including flag
-+   arguments if any). *)
-+let ac_of_format fmt =
-+  let ac = { ac_rglr = 0; ac_skip = 0; ac_rdrs = 0; } in
-+  let incr_ac skip c =
-+    let inc = if c = 'a' then 2 else 1 in
-+    if c = 'r' then ac.ac_rdrs <- ac.ac_rdrs + 1;
-+    if skip
-+    then ac.ac_skip <- ac.ac_skip + inc
-+    else ac.ac_rglr <- ac.ac_rglr + inc in
-+  let add_conv skip i c =
-+    (* Just finishing a meta format: no additional argument to record. *)
-+    if c <> ')' && c <> '}' then incr_ac skip c;
-+    succ i
-+  and add_char i _c = succ i in
-+  iter_on_format_args fmt add_conv add_char;
-+  ac;;
-+let count_arguments_of_format fmt =
-+  let ac = ac_of_format fmt in
-+  ac.ac_rglr + ac.ac_skip + ac.ac_rdrs;;
-+let list_iter_i f l =
-+  let rec loop i = function
-+    | [] -> ()
-+    | [x] -> f i x (* Tail calling [f] *)
-+    | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (succ i) xs in
-+  loop 0 l;;
-+(* ``Abstracting'' version of kprintf: returns a (curried) function that
-+   will print when totally applied.
-+   Note: in the following, we are careful not to be badly caught
-+   by the compiler optimizations on the representation of arrays. *)
-+let kapr kpr fmt =
-+  match count_arguments_of_format fmt with
-+  | 0 -> kpr fmt [||]
-+  | 1 -> Obj.magic (fun x ->
-+           let a = Array.make 1 (Obj.repr 0) in
-+           a.(0) <- x;
-+           kpr fmt a)
-+  | 2 -> Obj.magic (fun x y ->
-+           let a = Array.make 2 (Obj.repr 0) in
-+           a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y;
-+           kpr fmt a)
-+  | 3 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z ->
-+           let a = Array.make 3 (Obj.repr 0) in
-+           a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
-+           kpr fmt a)
-+  | 4 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t ->
-+           let a = Array.make 4 (Obj.repr 0) in
-+           a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
-+           a.(3) <- t;
-+           kpr fmt a)
-+  | 5 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t u ->
-+           let a = Array.make 5 (Obj.repr 0) in
-+           a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
-+           a.(3) <- t; a.(4) <- u;
-+           kpr fmt a)
-+  | 6 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t u v ->
-+           let a = Array.make 6 (Obj.repr 0) in
-+           a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
-+           a.(3) <- t; a.(4) <- u; a.(5) <- v;
-+           kpr fmt a)
-+  | nargs ->
-+    let rec loop i args =
-+      if i >= nargs then
-+        let a = Array.make nargs (Obj.repr 0) in
-+        list_iter_i (fun i arg -> a.(nargs - i - 1) <- arg) args;
-+        kpr fmt a
-+      else Obj.magic (fun x -> loop (succ i) (x :: args)) in
-+    loop 0 [];;
-+(* Get the index of the next argument to printf. *)
-+let next_index n = Sformat.succ_index n;;
-+(* Decode a format string and act on it.
-+   [fmt] is the printf format string, and [pos] points to a [%] character.
-+   After consuming the appropriate number of arguments and formatting
-+   them, one of the five continuations is called:
-+   [cont_s] for outputting a string (args: arg num, string, next pos)
-+   [cont_a] for performing a %a action (args: arg num, fn, arg, next pos)
-+   [cont_t] for performing a %t action (args: arg num, fn, next pos)
-+   [cont_f] for performing a flush action (args: arg num, next pos)
-+   [cont_m] for performing a %( action (args: arg num, sfmt, next pos)
-+   "arg num" is the index in array args of the next argument to printf.
-+   "next pos" is the position in [fmt] of the first character following
-+   the %conversion specification in [fmt]. *)
-+(* Note: here, rather than test explicitly against [Sformat.length fmt]
-+   to detect the end of the format, we use [Sformat.unsafe_get] and
-+   rely on the fact that we'll get a "nul" character if we access
-+   one past the end of the string.  These "nul" characters are then
-+   caught by the [_ -> bad_conversion] clauses below.
-+   Don't do this at home, kids. *)
-+let scan_format fmt args n pos cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m =
-+  let get_arg n =
-+    Obj.magic (args.(Sformat.int_of_index n)) in
-+  let rec scan_flags n widths i =
-+    match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
-+    | '*' ->
-+      let (width : int) = get_arg n in
-+      scan_flags (next_index n) (width :: widths) (succ i)
-+    | '0'..'9'
-+    | '.' | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags n widths (succ i)
-+    | _ -> scan_conv n widths i
-+  and scan_conv n widths i =
-+    match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
-+    | '%' ->
-+      cont_s n "%" (succ i)
-+    | 's' | 'S' as conv ->
-+      let (x : string) = get_arg n in
-+      let x = if conv = 's' then x else "\"" ^ String.escaped x ^ "\"" in
-+      let s =
-+        (* optimize for common case %s *)
-+        if i = succ pos then x else
-+          format_string (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
-+      cont_s (next_index n) s (succ i)
-+    | 'c' | 'C' as conv ->
-+      let (x : char) = get_arg n in
-+      let s =
-+        if conv = 'c' then String.make 1 x else "'" ^ Char.escaped x ^ "'" in
-+      cont_s (next_index n) s (succ i)
-+    | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' | 'N' as conv ->
-+      let (x : int) = get_arg n in
-+      let s =
-+        format_int (extract_format_int conv fmt pos i widths) x in
-+      cont_s (next_index n) s (succ i)
-+    | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
-+      let (x : float) = get_arg n in
-+      let s = format_float (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
-+      cont_s (next_index n) s (succ i)
-+    | 'F' ->
-+      let (x : float) = get_arg n in
-+      cont_s (next_index n) (string_of_float x) (succ i)
-+    | 'B' | 'b' ->
-+      let (x : bool) = get_arg n in
-+      cont_s (next_index n) (string_of_bool x) (succ i)
-+    | 'a' ->
-+      let printer = get_arg n in
-+      let n = Sformat.succ_index n in
-+      let arg = get_arg n in
-+      cont_a (next_index n) printer arg (succ i)
-+    | 't' ->
-+      let printer = get_arg n in
-+      cont_t (next_index n) printer (succ i)
-+    | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
-+      begin match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
-+        | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' ->
-+          let i = succ i in
-+          let s =
-+            match conv with
-+            | 'l' ->
-+              let (x : int32) = get_arg n in
-+              format_int32 (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x
-+            | 'n' ->
-+              let (x : nativeint) = get_arg n in
-+              format_nativeint (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x
-+            | _ ->
-+              let (x : int64) = get_arg n in
-+              format_int64 (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
-+          cont_s (next_index n) s (succ i)
-+        | _ ->
-+          let (x : int) = get_arg n in
-+          let s = format_int (extract_format_int 'n' fmt pos i widths) x in
-+          cont_s (next_index n) s (succ i)
-+      end
-+    | ',' -> cont_s n "" (succ i)
-+    | '!' -> cont_f n (succ i)
-+    | '{' | '(' as conv (* ')' '}' *) ->
-+      let (xf : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6) = get_arg n in
-+      let i = succ i in
-+      let j = sub_format_for_printf conv fmt i in
-+      if conv = '{' (* '}' *) then
-+        (* Just print the format argument as a specification. *)
-+        cont_s
-+          (next_index n)
-+          (summarize_format_type xf)
-+          j else
-+        (* Use the format argument instead of the format specification. *)
-+        cont_m (next_index n) xf j
-+    | (* '(' *) ')' ->
-+      cont_s n "" (succ i)
-+    | conv ->
-+      bad_conversion_format fmt i conv in
-+  scan_flags n [] (succ pos);;
-+(*Trimmed-down version of the legacy lib's [mkprintf]. Most of the generality
-+  is lifted to [output] rather than [mkprintf] itself.*)
-+let mkprintf k out fmt =
-+  let rec pr k n fmt v =
-+    let len = Sformat.length fmt in
-+    let rec doprn n i =
-+      if i >= len then Obj.magic (k out)
-+      else             match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
-+        | '%' -> scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
-+        |  c  -> write out c; doprn n (succ i)
-+    and cont_s n s i =
-+      nwrite out s;
-+      doprn n i
-+    and cont_a n printer arg i =
-+      printer out arg;
-+      doprn n i
-+    and cont_t n printer i =
-+      printer out;
-+      doprn n i
-+    and cont_f n i =
-+      flush out;
-+      doprn n i
-+    and cont_m n xf i =
-+      let m = Sformat.add_int_index (count_arguments_of_format xf) n in
-+      pr (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn m i)) n xf v
-+    in doprn n 0
-+  in let kpr = pr k (Sformat.index_of_int 0) in
-+  kapr kpr fmt;;
-+external identity : 'a -> 'a = "%identity"(*Inlined from [Std] to avoid 
cyclic dependencies*)
-+let fprintf out fmt = mkprintf ignore out fmt
-+let printf      fmt = fprintf stdout fmt
-+let eprintf     fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
-+let ifprintf _  fmt = fprintf stdnull fmt
-+let ksprintf2 k fmt =
-+  let out = output_string () in
-+  mkprintf (fun out -> k (close_out out)) out fmt
-+let kbprintf2 k buf fmt =
-+  let out = BatBuffer.output_buffer buf in
-+  mkprintf (fun _out -> k buf) out fmt
-+let sprintf2 fmt = ksprintf2 (identity) fmt
-+let bprintf2 buf fmt = kbprintf2 ignore buf fmt
-+   Other possible implementation of [sprintf2],
-+   left as example:
-+   [
-+   let sprintf2    fmt =
-+   let out = output_string () in
-+    mkprintf (fun out -> close_out out) out fmt
-+   ]
-+   Other possible implementation of [bprintf2],
-+   left as example:
-+   [
-+   let bprintf2 buf fmt =
-+   let out = output_buffer buf in
-+    mkprintf ignore out fmt
-+   ]*)
-+type ('a, 'b, 'c) t = ('a, 'b, 'c) Pervasives.format
-+let kfprintf        = mkprintf
-+let bprintf         = Printf.bprintf
-+let sprintf         = Printf.sprintf
-+let ksprintf        = Printf.ksprintf
-+let kbprintf        = Printf.kbprintf
-+let kprintf         = Printf.kprintf
-+##V<4.2##module CamlinternalPr = Printf.CamlinternalPr
Index: ocaml-batteries/pkg/PFRAG.native
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/ocaml-batteries/pkg/PFRAG.native,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 PFRAG.native
--- ocaml-batteries/pkg/PFRAG.native    27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 -0000      1.4
+++ ocaml-batteries/pkg/PFRAG.native    25 Oct 2014 18:03:11 -0000
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ lib/ocaml/batteries/batBitSet.cmx
Index: ocaml-batteries/pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/devel/ocaml-batteries/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -p -r1.5 PLIST
--- ocaml-batteries/pkg/PLIST   27 Aug 2014 07:54:22 -0000      1.5
+++ ocaml-batteries/pkg/PLIST   25 Oct 2014 18:03:14 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ lib/ocaml/batteries/batBounded.cmi
@@ -226,6 +228,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/BatBo
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/BatPa
@@ -491,6 +495,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/Batte
@@ -530,6 +535,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/Batte
@@ -668,6 +674,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/index
@@ -707,6 +714,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/type_
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@@ -972,6 +981,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/type_
@@ -1011,6 +1021,7 @@ share/doc/ocaml-batteries/html/api/type_

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