On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 10:43:00PM +0100, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> Portroach tells me that a newer version of aumix is available, which
> has reminded me that I'd really prefer to remove the port.  aumix
> uses libossaudio to provide mixer controls.  It is tied intimately
> to the OSS mixer model (a small number of all-alike numerical
> controls, range 0-100, no ratcheting); attempting to support OpenBSD's
> native mixer controls would require a complete rewrite that nobody
> has volunteered for in ten-plus years, and its usefulness through
> the ossaudio emulation layer approaches zero.
> I have a vague memory that I wanted to remove it in the past and
> there was some resistance, but please, can we just kill it?
> There are some other candidates that should be put to sleep likewise
> (xmix and xmmix immediately pop out), but aumix is one I'm listed
> as maintainer of. :->

OK to remove aumix. BTW, none of the libossaudio-based mixers work
on my machine, not even to control the "master" level.

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