On 2014/11/04 18:15, trondd wrote:
> I have random but frequent crashes with x11/wmii in my new 5.6 install.
> If it crashes right at startup, backtrace shows it in libregexp/regcomp.c
> line 277
> If it starts up, then dies when I open a program, backtrace shows it in
> libregexp/regexec.c line 212
> If it starts and I get that first program open, it doesn't then crash later
> as far as I have seen.
> It started when I set malloc.conf.  My options were: AGHJPRU.  If I disable
> R, I haven't been able to reproduce the crashes.  R by itself will
> reproduce it also.
> Is there a maintainer of this port?

Let's see...

| $ pkg_info wmii
| Information for 
| Comment:
| dynamic window manager
| Description:
| wmii is a dynamic window manager for X11. It supports classic and
| dynamic window management with extended keyboard, mouse, and
| filesystem based remote control. It replaces the workspace paradigm
| with a new tagging approach.
| Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <ports@openbsd.org>
| WWW: http://wmii.suckless.org/


There is a newer version of wmii upstream, but they merged the tarball
with what we have as libixp, so the ports are going to need a bit of
a rework to update them. First step if you care enough about this to
look at fixing it is probably to test that newer version one way or
another to see if it's been fixed upstream. Though upstream development
seems to have slowed right down (I think many people interested in this
probably moved to i3wm) so if that hasn't fixed things you're probably
still going to need to do further work yourself to track it down.

Note that some of the malloc flags you are using are quite aggressive
and likely to trigger crashes from bugs in code.

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