Attachment: multimarkdown.tgz
Description: proposed new port: textproc/multimarkdown

Hi ports@,

Attached is a new port, text/multimarkdown.  Multimarkdown is a
marked-up plain text to formatted document converter.

MultiMarkdown is a derivative of Markdown that adds new syntax
features, such as footnotes, tables, and metadata. Additionally, it
offers mechanisms to convert plain text into LaTeX in addition to
C.f. for more information.

This port depends on devel/greg, a parser generator.  I've submitted
a devel/greg port for your consideration in a separate email.

Multimarkdown works well on i386.  I am working on getting all the
patches upstream, especially the ones related to randomness.  Thanks
to bcallah@ again for working with me on this.

Testing and comments most appreciated!

Pax, -A
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