On 2015/01/04 03:00, Adam Wolk wrote:
> > > Warning: QGtkStyle could not resolve GTK. Make sure you have installed
> > > the proper libraries.
> > > (/usr/obj/ports/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.2/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.2/qtbase/src/widgets/styles/qgtkstyle_p.cpp:583,
> > > virtual void QGtkStylePrivate::initGtkWidgets() const)
> > > otter-browser(20064) in free(): error: bogus pointer (double free?)
> > > 0xdfdfdfdf
> > > Abort trap (core dumped) 
> > 
> > Most likely a use-after-free; we have some malloc hardening on by
> > default.
> > See malloc.conf(5) about 0xdf.
> > 
> Yep, it definitely looks like it. cschutijser@ mentioned in my opinion
> the same bug that he reported upstream
> (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-43623).
> That stack trace does match what I see so I consider it a problem in Qt
> itself. I don't think I want to tweak malloc.conf for Otter. I would
> prefer to put more pressure on the Qt folk :)

Oh, absolutely - I was mainly pointing it out so you can see what our
malloc is doing by default which triggers this. It tends to show up
various bugs in software which would otherwise need careful inspection
(or valgrind etc) to identify.

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