On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 07:35:06PM +0100, Cesare Gargano wrote:
> Hi ports@!
> pkg/DESCR:
> Dancer2 is the new generation of Dancer, the lightweight web-framework for
> Perl. Dancer2 is a complete rewrite based on Moo.
> Tested on i386/amd64. All deps already posted to ports@.

Looking closer at this, I see that there are some recommended
dependencies that we can add on shared arches.  I like doing this if
they are already ported because it makes things faster.

# === Runtime Recommends ===
#     Module                  Want     Have
#     ----------------------- ---- --------
#     CGI::Deurl::XS           any  missing
#     Crypt::URandom           any  missing
#     JSON::XS                 any  missing
#     Math::Random::ISAAC::XS  any  missing
#     Pod::Simple::Search      any     3.28
#     Pod::Simple::SimpleTree  any     3.28
#     Scope::Upper             any  missing
#     Test::Builder            any 1.001002
#     Test::More               any 1.001002
#     URL::Encode::XS          any  missing
# === Runtime Suggests ===
#     Module          Want    Have
#     --------------- ---- -------
#     Class::Load::XS  any missing
#     Fcntl            any    1.11
#     YAML             any    0.84

This is what I added.  I'm not actually sure Dancer2 works on non-shared
arches, but this gives a reasonable attempt at it anyway.  If we
continue to expand our use of optional depends for shared arches,
someday the vax may end up the preferred web server for something.
Or not.

diff -ru p5-Dancer2.orig/Makefile p5-Dancer2/Makefile
--- p5-Dancer2.orig/Makefile    Sat Jan 17 17:06:07 2015
+++ p5-Dancer2/Makefile Sat Jan 17 17:18:39 2015
@@ -44,4 +44,11 @@
                        devel/p5-Test-MockTime \
+.include <bsd.port.arch.mk>
+.if !${PROPERTIES:Mno_shared}
+RUN_DEPENDS +=     converters/p5-JSON-XS \
+                   devel/p5-Class-Load-XS \
+                   devel/p5-Scope-Upper
 .include <bsd.port.mk>

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