On 2015/02/10 21:20, Florian Stinglmayr wrote:
> I am not as nit-picky about variable ordering as many of you here on
> the list.

This is because we have thousands of ports to deal with, and it's much
easier when things are in place where we expect to find them :)

> But I like having the path related variables together, as I
> am sure they will need a lot of altering if upstream keeps changing the
> syntax of their tags and release names.


> > Also, and I may well demonstrate my lack of knowledge of luafs here,
> > going off your email is this something that should have FLAVORS added to
> > it? You say in your email that it adds support for lua53 yet it is built
> > with lua51. Could the version I built with lua51 work with lua53 things?
> > Do we even care about such things? I assume the answer to the latter
> > question is yes since you brought it up.

that would be done in devel/Makefile by adding flavour/s to the build.

> I assumed that such modules are built for different lua versions
> by overriding MODLUA_VERSION in the environment. Thus you end up with:

nope, that's the "system default" version. to build a standard lua port
against a non-default lua version, you set FLAVOR. for example:

$ cd devel/luastdlib
$ make show=PKGNAMES
$ FLAVOR=lua52 make show=PKGNAMES
$ FLAVOR=lua53 make show=PKGNAMES

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