On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 01:13:39PM -0700, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:
> Hello,
> The commit below from 2014-09-16 must have broken the snapshot time
> detection on http://ports.su/ , which must have been broken since
> 2014-09-21.
> Is there a cross-platform way to best get it back from the package file?
Yes, parse the +CONTENTS file and restore the associated @ts.

Any tool that reads files can do so easily. In perl,
perl -ne '$seen = 1 if m/sqlports-compact/; if ($seen == 1 && m/\@ts\s+(.*)/) { 
system("date -r $1"); exit 0; }' /var/db/pkg/sqlports-compact-*/+CONTENTS
will retrieve and display the timestamp.

Something similar can be easily cobbled using any kind of sed/awk/grep

> I guess the easiest way would be to fix the date with the snippet as
> follows; or is there a better way?
> %sh -c 'touch -d $(env TZ=GMT date -r $(stat -f"%m" +CONTENTS)
> +%FT%TZ) share/sqlports-compact'

You assume sqlports-compacts should/can have the snapshots of +CONTENTS... this 
is not quite true.

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