Hi Jan,

Jan Klemkow <j.klem...@wemelug.de> writes:

> ping
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 01:27:44AM +0200, Jan Klemkow wrote:
>> ping
>> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 01:30:39AM +0200, Jan Klemkow wrote:
>> > hi,
>> > 
>> > this new port expense net/ucspi-tcp with TLS and SOCKSv5 support.  This
>> > version also includes regression tests.  It contains SOCKSv5 client and
>> > TLS server and client programs.
>> > 
>> > Just tell me, if any thing is wrong.  I will fix it.

I have noticed a couple of nits which I have addressed in the updated
tarball attached.  Here's the diff:

diff -pruN ucspi-tools.orig/Makefile ucspi-tools/Makefile
--- ucspi-tools.orig/Makefile   Thu Jun  4 13:41:45 2015
+++ ucspi-tools/Makefile        Thu Jun  4 13:51:41 2015
@@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
 COMMENT=       socks proxy and tls support for ucspi
 DISTNAME=      ucspi-tools-1.1
-REVISION=      0
 GH_ACCOUNT=    younix
 GH_PROJECT=    ucspi
 GH_COMMIT=     cf8c863045c83b19ce04f6b1ff5a64094ea1026e
-WRKDIST=       ${WRKDIR}/ucspi-${GH_COMMIT}
 HOMEPAGE=      https://github.com/younix/ucspi
 MAINTAINER=    Jan Klemkow <j.klem...@wemelug.de>
@@ -17,11 +15,10 @@ MAINTAINER= Jan Klemkow <j.klem...@wemelug.de>
 # ISC
-WANTLIB += c crypto ssl
+WANTLIB += c crypto ssl tls
 RUN_DEPENDS=   net/ucspi-tcp
-NO_TEST=       No
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
diff -pruN ucspi-tools.orig/pkg/DESCR ucspi-tools/pkg/DESCR
--- ucspi-tools.orig/pkg/DESCR  Thu Jun  4 13:41:45 2015
+++ ucspi-tools/pkg/DESCR       Thu Jun  4 13:48:42 2015
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 This package contains additional tools for the UCSPI tool chains.  It brings
-support for using socks proxys on client side and tls on server and client
+support for using socks proxies on client side and tls on server and client
diff -pruN ucspi-tools.orig/pkg/PLIST ucspi-tools/pkg/PLIST
--- ucspi-tools.orig/pkg/PLIST  Thu Jun  4 13:41:45 2015
+++ ucspi-tools/pkg/PLIST       Thu Jun  4 13:49:58 2015
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 @comment $OpenBSD$
 @bin bin/sockc
 @bin bin/tlsc
 @man man/man1/sockc.1
 @man man/man1/tlsc.1

I think it's fine to import as is, but I'd like to point out that since
your first submission you changed the git commit without changing the
version.  Please consider using git tags and GH_TAGNAME instead, with
tags considered as fixed.  Also, this is using libtls and your first
submission didn't build anymore.  Are you ok with maintaining a port
that depends on a somewhat fast-moving target such as libtls?

Looking for opinions from other porters too.


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