
Thanks for your work on this. And thanks for taking MAINTAINER.

On Mon, Jun 08, 2015 at 06:19:55PM +0200, Ingo Feinerer wrote:
> - Minor rearrangements to follow the order as shown in Makefile.template
> - Consistent whitespace ("RUN_DEPENDS =" vs. "RUN_DEPENDS=")
> - Consistent lower/upper case (Yes vs. yes)

A minor nit, I would have done this as a separate commit, although
others may disagree. It just makes it easier to see what is related to
the update, and what is a cosmetic fix.

I tend to fix the assignment formatting only on lines I am changing as
part of the update.

> - Do not ship abs_integrate.info, kovacicODE.info, drawutils.info, and
>   logic.info as there are other help formats available and install-info
>   has problems with them ("install-info: warning: no entries found for")

Did you speak to Ingo about this? I bet he knows the fix :)

> - make test:
>   1 test failed out of 10,185 total tests.
>   The single failing test is a rounding error / different notation,
>   e.g., 12.344321123443212e-5 vs. 1.234432112344321E-4


I'm seeing that too. It shouldn't be a show stopper. As long as upstream
are aware.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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