Hello everyone! I'm in trouble with minidlna, installed from pkgs in OpenBSD 5.7
I have installed miniupnpd, minidlna, and minissdpd from packages, added
"minissdpd_flags=-i em1" in my /etc/rc.conf.local, next i uncommented

"minissdpdsocket=/var/run/minissdpd.sock" in files /etc/miniupnpd.conf and /etc/minidlna.conf

and started all daemons in next order:
minissdpd - miniupnpd - minidlna and it seems that miniupnpd works and minidlna not :(

In other words, it is starting and i can open but it does not appear on dlna clients

Otherwise, if I disable all minissdpd, miniupnpd and start minidlna alone, it works well! If I try to start only minissdpd and minidlna it doesn't work.

Here is some log when starting minidlna:
[2015/07/12 23:51:16] minidlna.c:1026: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.4. [2015/07/12 23:51:16] minissdp.c:114: error: bind(udp): Address already in use
[2015/07/12 23:51:16] minidlna.c:1065: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2015/07/12 23:51:16] minissdp.c:80: error: setsockopt(udp, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP): Bad file descriptor [2015/07/12 23:51:16] minissdp.c:180: warn: Failed to add multicast membership for address

Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Or is it a bug?

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