On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 12:40:43PM +0300, Timo Myyrä wrote:
> Hmm,
> I was remaking my changes but I can't seem to get the core package to work.
> I've made changes to the bootstrap package, built and installed it.
> When I tried to extract the chicken core I got following:
> $ cd /usr/ports/mystuff/lang/chicken/core                                     
> $ make depends
> ===> chicken-4.10.0 depends on: chicken-bootstrap->=4.10.0 - default 
> chicken-bootstrap- does not match
> *** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2112 
> '/usr/ports/pobj/chicken-4.10.0/.dep-STEM-ge-4.10.0-lang-chicken-bootstrap')
> *** Error 1 in /usr/ports/mystuff/lang/chicken/core 
> (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2488 'depends')
> $ pkg_info | grep chicken
> chicken-bootstrap-4.10.0 practical and portable Scheme system
> $
> I have the new bootstrap installed but 'make depends' doesn't seem to find it.
> I then tested it a bit by changing the core/Makefile BUILD_DEPENDS like 
> follows:
> -BUILD_DEPENDS= lang/chicken/bootstrap>=${V}
> +BUILD_DEPENDS= lang/chicken/bootstrap>=4.9.0
> The build proceeded a bit further:
> $ make depends 
> ===> chicken-4.10.0 depends on: chicken-bootstrap->=4.9.0 -> 
> chicken-bootstrap-4.10.0
> ===> chicken-4.10.0 depends on: gmake-* -> gmake-4.1p0
> ===>  Verifying specs:  c m pthread
> ===>  found c.81.0 m.9.0 pthread.19.0
> ===>  Verifying specs: c m pthread
> ===>  found c.81.0 m.9.0 pthread.19.0
> ===> chicken-4.10.0 depends on: chicken-* - not found
> ===>  Verifying install for chicken-* in lang/chicken/core
> ===>  Checking files for chicken-
> `/usr/ports/distfiles/chicken-' is up to date.
> >> (SHA256) chicken- OK
> ===> chicken- depends on: chicken-bootstrap->= -> 
> chicken-bootstrap-4.10.0
> ...
> The odd thing here is that now chicken-4.10.0 seems to depend on chicken-* and
> tries to build the old chicken version although it should only require the
> bootstrap to build. I'm a bit lost why the ports behaves like this.

chicken-core uses chicken-bootstrap from lang/chicken instead of
mystuff/lang/chicken. The ports framework will pick always the
dependencies from ${PORTSDIR} which is usually /usr/ports.

Move your patches to lang/chicken and the port will work
fine. Yesterday, I tested the update on sparc64 and it passed the

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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