Update to 2.1 and take maintainership.
 Comments ? Ok ?
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /var/cvs/ports/mail/perdition/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -p -r1.31 Makefile
--- Makefile	21 Aug 2015 22:51:10 -0000	1.31
+++ Makefile	27 Aug 2015 10:26:17 -0000
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
 COMMENT-main=	fully featured POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
 COMMENT-ldap=	LDAP backend for perdition mail proxy
-COMMENT-mysql=  MySQL backend for perdition mail proxy
+COMMENT-mysql=	MySQL backend for perdition mail proxy
 COMMENT-pgsql=	PostgreSQL backend for perdition mail proxy
-DISTVER=	1.19-rc5
-REVISION-mysql=	8
 DISTNAME=	perdition-${DISTVER}
 PKGNAME-main=	perdition-${DISTVER:S/-//}
 PKGNAME-ldap=	perdition-ldap-${DISTVER:S/-//}
-PKGNAME-mysql=  perdition-mysql-${DISTVER:S/-//}
-PKGNAME-pgsql=  perdition-pgsql-${DISTVER:S/-//}
+PKGNAME-mysql=	perdition-mysql-${DISTVER:S/-//}
+PKGNAME-pgsql=	perdition-pgsql-${DISTVER:S/-//}
-SHARED_LIBS +=  jain                         0.0  # .0.0
+HOMEPAGE=	http://horms.net/projects/perdition/
+MAINTAINER=	Giovanni Bechis <giova...@openbsd.org>
 SHARED_LIBS +=  perditiondb_bdb              0.0  # .0.0
 SHARED_LIBS +=  perditiondb_nis              0.0  # .0.0
 SHARED_LIBS +=  perditiondb_posix_regex      0.0  # .0.0
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ SHARED_LIBS +=  perditiondb_ldap        
 SHARED_LIBS +=  perditiondb_mysql            0.0  # .0.0
 SHARED_LIBS +=  perditiondb_postgresql       0.0  # .0.0
-HOMEPAGE=	http://www.vergenet.net/linux/perdition/
 # GPLv2+ (included COPYING is v3, but all files with a
 # copyright claim specify version 2 or above).
@@ -60,18 +58,20 @@ MULTI_PACKAGES=		-main -mysql -pgsql -ld
 .include <bsd.port.arch.mk>
-cWANTLIB=		lib/db4/db>=4 vanessa_logger>=1.0 vanessa_socket>=1.0 \
-			vanessa_adt>=1.0
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		databases/db/v4 \
+cWANTLIB=		lib/db4/db>=4 vanessa_logger>=1.0
+cLIB_DEPENDS+=		databases/db/v4 \
+			vanessa_logger->=0.0.10:devel/vanessa/logger
+			c crypto ssl util popt idn \
+			vanessa_adt>=1.0 vanessa_socket>=1.0
+			devel/popt devel/libidn \
 			vanessa_adt->=0.0.9:devel/vanessa/adt \
-			vanessa_logger->=0.0.10:devel/vanessa/logger \
-			c crypto ssl util popt idn
-LIB_DEPENDS-main=	${LIB_DEPENDS} devel/popt devel/libidn
-LIB_DEPENDS-ldap=	${LIB_DEPENDS} security/cyrus-sasl2 \
+LIB_DEPENDS-ldap=	${cLIB_DEPENDS} security/cyrus-sasl2 \
 WANTLIB-ldap=		crypto lber-2.4 ldap-2.4 sasl2 ssl util ${cWANTLIB}
@@ -83,9 +83,11 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-ldap-libraries=$
-LIB_DEPENDS-mysql=	${LIB_DEPENDS} databases/mariadb
-WANTLIB-mysql=		crypto ssl util m z lib/mysql/mysqlclient \
-			pthread stdc++ ${cWANTLIB}
+LIB_DEPENDS-mysql=	${cLIB_DEPENDS} databases/mariadb \
+			vanessa_adt->=0.0.9:devel/vanessa/adt
+WANTLIB-mysql=		crypto pthread ssl stdc++ util m z \
+			lib/mysql/mysqlclient ${cWANTLIB} \
+			vanessa_adt>=1.0
 .if !${BUILD_PACKAGES:M-mysql}
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-mysql
@@ -94,8 +96,9 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-mysql-libraries=
-LIB_DEPENDS-pgsql=	${LIB_DEPENDS} databases/postgresql
-WANTLIB-pgsql=		crypto pq ssl util ${cWANTLIB}
+LIB_DEPENDS-pgsql=	${cLIB_DEPENDS} databases/postgresql \
+			vanessa_adt->=0.0.9:devel/vanessa/adt
+WANTLIB-pgsql=		crypto pq ssl util ${cWANTLIB} vanessa_adt>=1.0
 .if !${BUILD_PACKAGES:M-pgsql}
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-pg
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /var/cvs/ports/mail/perdition/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -r1.4 distinfo
--- distinfo	15 Mar 2013 15:17:36 -0000	1.4
+++ distinfo	17 Jul 2015 10:22:21 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (perdition-1.19-rc5.tar.gz) = dgctaV0Y5VofNOPNOM54HS8Tj4WdCLeu37y1GlxIkrU=
-SIZE (perdition-1.19-rc5.tar.gz) = 642566
+SHA256 (perdition-2.1.tar.gz) = ZF+7O7HQAfWuyV0oSLI+JFrqzHkRnws5K8V82JbXn+g=
+SIZE (perdition-2.1.tar.gz) = 701062
Index: patches/patch-perdition_db_ldap_perditiondb_ldap_makedb
RCS file: patches/patch-perdition_db_ldap_perditiondb_ldap_makedb
diff -N patches/patch-perdition_db_ldap_perditiondb_ldap_makedb
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-perdition_db_ldap_perditiondb_ldap_makedb	17 Jul 2015 16:26:47 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+--- perdition/db/ldap/perditiondb_ldap_makedb.orig	Fri Jul 17 18:26:20 2015
++++ perdition/db/ldap/perditiondb_ldap_makedb	Fri Jul 17 18:26:30 2015
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ ######################################################################
+ # perditiondb_ldap_makedb                                     May 2000
+ # Horms                                             ho...@verge.net.au
Index: patches/patch-perdition_db_mysql_perditiondb_mysql_makedb
RCS file: patches/patch-perdition_db_mysql_perditiondb_mysql_makedb
diff -N patches/patch-perdition_db_mysql_perditiondb_mysql_makedb
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-perdition_db_mysql_perditiondb_mysql_makedb	17 Jul 2015 16:26:50 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+--- perdition/db/mysql/perditiondb_mysql_makedb.orig	Fri Jul 17 18:24:54 2015
++++ perdition/db/mysql/perditiondb_mysql_makedb	Fri Jul 17 18:25:11 2015
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ ######################################################################
+ # makedb                                                 December 2000
+ # Horms                                             ho...@verge.net.au
Index: patches/patch-perdition_db_postgresql_perditiondb_postgresql_makedb
RCS file: patches/patch-perdition_db_postgresql_perditiondb_postgresql_makedb
diff -N patches/patch-perdition_db_postgresql_perditiondb_postgresql_makedb
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ patches/patch-perdition_db_postgresql_perditiondb_postgresql_makedb	17 Jul 2015 16:26:47 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+--- perdition/db/postgresql/perditiondb_postgresql_makedb.orig	Fri Jul 17 18:25:43 2015
++++ perdition/db/postgresql/perditiondb_postgresql_makedb	Fri Jul 17 18:25:54 2015
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ ######################################################################
+ # perditiondb_postgresql_makedb                          December 2000
+ # Horms                                             ho...@verge.net.au
Index: patches/patch-perdition_options_h
RCS file: /var/cvs/ports/mail/perdition/patches/patch-perdition_options_h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 patch-perdition_options_h
--- patches/patch-perdition_options_h	15 Mar 2013 15:17:36 -0000	1.1
+++ patches/patch-perdition_options_h	17 Jul 2015 13:23:48 -0000
@@ -3,8 +3,17 @@ $OpenBSD: patch-perdition_options_h,v 1.
 Auth timeout used for SO_RECVTIMEO in ssl.c which has a max of
 USHRT_MAX hz otherwise it fails with EDOM.
---- perdition/options.h.orig	Thu Mar 14 13:58:46 2013
-+++ perdition/options.h	Thu Mar 14 14:00:47 2013
+--- perdition/options.h.orig	Fri Oct  4 03:44:12 2013
++++ perdition/options.h	Fri Jul 17 15:22:50 2015
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ #define DEFAULT_IMAP_CAPABILITY              "IMAP4 IMAP4REV1"
+ #define DEFAULT_INETD_MODE                   0
+ #define DEFAULT_MAP_LIB                      PERDITION_LIBDIR \
+-			                     "/libperditiondb_gdbm.so.0"
++			                     "/libperditiondb_bdb.so.0"
+ #define DEFAULT_LOG_FACILITY                 "mail"
+ #define DEFAULT_LOGIN_DISABLED               0
+ #define DEFAULT_LOWER_CASE                   STATE_NONE
 @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
  #define DEFAULT_STRIP_DOMAIN                 STATE_NONE
  #define DEFAULT_SERVER_RESP_LINE             0
Index: patches/patch-perdition_perdition_c
RCS file: patches/patch-perdition_perdition_c
diff -N patches/patch-perdition_perdition_c
--- patches/patch-perdition_perdition_c	15 Nov 2013 10:10:02 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-perdition_perdition_c,v 1.1 2013/11/15 10:10:02 sthen Exp $
-Use the correct list of ciphers for outgoing STARTTLS cnnections.
---- perdition/perdition.c.orig	Fri Nov 15 10:05:58 2013
-+++ perdition/perdition.c	Fri Nov 15 10:06:31 2013
-@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp){
-     else if((opt.ssl_mode & SSL_MODE_TLS_OUTGOING) &&
-           (status & PROTOCOL_S_STARTTLS)) {
-       server_io=perdition_ssl_client_connection(server_io, opt.ssl_ca_file, 
--		      opt.ssl_ca_path, opt.ssl_listen_ciphers, servername);
-+		      opt.ssl_ca_path, opt.ssl_outgoing_ciphers, servername);
-       if(!server_io) {
-         VANESSA_LOGGER_DEBUG("perdition_ssl_connection outgoing");
-         VANESSA_LOGGER_ERR("Fatal error establishing SSL connection");

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