On Fri, 2 Oct 2015, Theo de Raadt wrote:

> I still encourage you to stop using OpenBSD.  It's pretty clear
> noone here is going to go out of their way to help you.  So I mean,
> why continue asking/begging/demanding, and suggesting that people
> here are lazy or lunatic?
Huh? You've been trying to do that for what, 15 years? I agree OpenBSD is
a good tool/project/whatever you want to call it.

Do you want to give back the money we have contributed? Refund the cost of
the CDs we have on the shelf since, what, 3.1?

Do you really WANT to get rid of the folks that pay your bills? Now, THAT
is a sign of a true lunatic.

> Does it really help anyone?
Sure it does - everybody enjoys your ranting and raving - it's


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